It seems that Shimashiro Kimie is not that kind of fanatical islander at all.

After finishing speaking, Shimashiro Kimie asked one more question:

"By the way, are you interested in participating? I have more number plates here"

"ah? Thank you, no need to bother, we have it."

Mao Lilan shook her head politely, and specially took out her number plate and waved it in front of Shimashiro Kimie.

"Yeah? That’s quite a coincidence!"

Shimadai Kimie couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then said with a mysterious smile.

"Maybe after the celebration is over, you will be like the rumors outside.——"

"You can stay young forever!"

Before preparing to go to the festival together,

Ye Fei deliberately 13 took a step behind and looked at Shimashiro Kimie meaningfully and asked

"Miss Shimadai, do you really not believe in the existence of mermaids?"

Shimashiro Kimie seemed not to have expected that Ye Fei would ask this suddenly, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled and nodded:"Of course!"

"All right."

Ye Fei just nodded and didn't say anything more.


"I suddenly felt so excited."

Looking at the already arranged festival in front of her, Mao Lilan couldn't help but said excitedly.

"That’s it!"Yuanshan and Ye also nodded with smiles.

Amid everyone's expectations, not long after, a short longevity woman came out of the door.

And in the hand of longevity woman, she also took a stick. A stick wrapped with white cloth

"The longevity lady is out!"Someone in the crowd immediately shouted excitedly

"Is this Changshou Po?"Conan couldn't help but blinked.

"ah? Is it so small?......"Hattori Heiji subconsciously complained.

After all, the longevity woman looked as short as dwarfism.

And—there was makeup so thick that it looked like a ghost.

"She's just an old woman wearing heavy makeup, right?"

"Hattori-san, don’t judge others easily outside."

Ye Fei shook his head slightly, turned to look at Hattori Heiji seriously and said

"I see." Hattori Heiji nodded awkwardly.

But in fact, he didn't take Ye Fei's words to heart. Of course,

Ye Fei had no idea of ​​helping Hattori Heizang discipline his children, and didn't say much.

Instead, he quickly My attention was returned to Changshou Po.

Unlike most lively festivals, the entire Dugong Festival was relatively quiet.

After Changshou Po came out, she didn't say a word from beginning to end.

And She directly put the stick in her hand into the brazier that had been prepared.

The next second, Changshou Po hit the"door" next to her with the stick dipped in fire.

"Um? Won't this cause a fire?"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but stare, and blurted out in shock.

However, the next second, after the numbers appeared on the door, Hattori Heiji's voice stopped subconsciously.

"There was actually a word burned on the fire!"Conan murmured.

"Is this how you win the lottery? Just burn out the winning numbers on paper."

Hattori Heiji also reacted and said thoughtfully.

"Oh my God, it’s true! OK, I hit."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hisumi Ebihara, who was standing not far away from a few people, suddenly let out a cheer of surprise. She must have won the number.

"Teacher Ye, your number seems to have been won, right?"

Conan seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Ye Fei and asked.

"Yes, thirteen is really an auspicious number."

Ye Fei nodded with a smile and said meaningfully.

Yes.......It is indeed a very auspicious number. After all, it can be regarded as gaining a new subordinate.

"this.......Thirteen is not considered auspicious by any means, right?"

Conan couldn't help but touched his head and muttered strangely.

After all, the meaning of thirteen in many places is not very good.

In many places, there is no such thing as the thirteenth floor!

"No 600 can say that."Ye Fei shook his finger directly.

After the numbers were drawn, Changshou Po turned around and returned to the house behind her.

Within a few minutes, Shimadai Kimie walked out of the house.

Looking at Shimadai Ye Fei couldn't help but squint his eyes at Jun Hui's efficiency.

This speed.......Although it is not top-notch, it is definitely good! [ ]

The most important thing is that Shimashiro Kimie does not have a teacher like Belmode or Kudo Yukiko.

Rather, it is completely the result of self-taught!

Under such circumstances, Shimashiro Kimie is indeed a talented person for being able to reach this level!

Pretty smart too......Maybe you can consider taking it back!

Shimashiro Kimie didn't know that she had been targeted, but just followed the process and looked at everyone and said

"Please listen carefully, we will be in an hour——"

"Dugong arrows are officially sent, please gather at Mermaid Falls immediately!"

After that, Shimadai Kime left here first.....

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