"What if one day you want to track down the organization's affairs again, and Ye Fei happens to be the only one with a car around?"

"You will definitely try your best to let Ye Fei take you to"wave""

"Edogawa Conan, no one has to pay for your ideas and choices."

After saying that, Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"Feel sorry."The corners of Conan's mouth moved.

"I take it for granted, but don’t worry, I will never involve Ye Fei in anything related to the black organization."

Conan is used to using tools like Mouri Kogoro and Dr. Agasa.

He forgot that Ye Fei is just a Chinese teacher, at most a guy with some strength and money.

But no matter what -

Ye Fei is so gentle A person who really shouldn't be involved in these dangers unconsciously.

Haibara Ai did not respond to Conan's apology and guarantee.

After all, Conan's credibility is directly in Haibara Ai's heart. Lowered to the valley point!

Just at this moment, Ye Fei had already approached the car.

Haiyuan Ai's direct movements were 237 without any pause, and he sat on the passenger seat holding his cat.

When he saw that it was still in Ye Fei's hand When he saw the cat, Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but pause. He subconsciously glanced at the size of the Maine Coon cat, then looked at himself and the little milk cat in his arms.

Hmm........Doesn't seem to work.

But because of what happened just now, Haihara Ai didn't want Ye Fei to put his cat in the back seat to get along with Conan.

After a little tangle, Hui Yuan Ai looked up at Ye Fei and asked

"Ye Fei, this cat......."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Fei used a free hand to touch his head.

"It's just right to put it here."

Ye Fei sat on the driver's seat and put the Maine Coon cat in his hand under the windshield.

Although the one-year-old Maine Coon cat is not small, it is actually not fat and has the most space. Instead, it’s hairy!

(bdde) Such a long strip, placed under the windshield, does not block the view at all.

"So good."Hai Yuan Ai couldn't help but squeeze out a smile.

The Maine Coon cat didn't move at all after being put down.

"yes."Ye Fei nodded with a smile.

He immediately turned to confirm the destination with Conan:"Is it the Changqiao Expressway?"


Conan still hasn't come back to his senses, so he just nodded subconsciously.


At the same time, near the exit of Changqiao Expressway

【Brandy: Gin, Shuichi Akai will arrive in about two minutes, and the police will need five minutes. 】

It didn’t take long after seeing this news.

The shadow of"a police car" also appeared under the lens of Gin's sniper scope.

"The target appears, pay attention!"

Gin's eyes couldn't help but narrowed, and his movements were tightly aimed at the wheels of the police car.

However, he did not pull the trigger immediately.

"Gin, I have a good view here. Do you want to shoot?"

Chianti's tone was full of excitement, and his fingers couldn't help but tremble.

If it weren't for Gin's presence, Chianti might have been unable to hold back and shoot.

"No."Gin refused without hesitation.

"Bourbon, have you found any trace of Shuichi Akai? Chevy, ha!"

"without.......No, it appeared!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After seeing the Chevrolet, especially the familiar figure sitting in the driver's seat,

Toru Amuro couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said angrily

"Just in the right lane, about a minute to go."

Of course Toru Amuro wishes he could kill Akai Shuichi to gain speed.

But - although Toru Amuro's overall strength is good, his sniper ability is average.

He is quite good at close combat and intelligence gathering, huh?......The accuracy of the pistol is also good!

"Get ready, Chianti and Cohen deal with the driver and the robber, Bourbon pays attention to Akai Shuichi's movements!"

Gin gave the order without hesitation.

"receive!"The most prominent voice is Chianti Madness.


Gin fired the first shot, aiming at Akai Shuichi's position.

It's a pity that Akai Shuichi's feelings are so abnormal that he doesn't look like a human being.

Just a second before the bullet shot into Akai Shuichi's head, he tilted his head slightly - the bullet that could have killed him in one hit just passed by Akai Shuichi's scalp and broke a lot of hair.[]

It seems that the scalp was a little scratched.......There was a slight trace of blood on Akai Shuichi's forehead, but unfortunately it didn't seem serious.

"Tsk!"Gin narrowed his eyes impatiently.

He fired the next shot without any hesitation.


This shot, Gin aimed at the Chevrolet's tires.

Then, Gin fired several more shots, forcing the Chevrolet to stop where it was.

While Gin was attacking Shuichi Akai, Chianti and Cohen also opened fire.


Except for Shuichi Akai and James, there was no one alive in the Chevrolet and the"police car".

Not only that.

Because the accident happened at the intersection of the highway, many cars were affected by the gun battle here.

They stopped one after another, or they collided with each other because of this unexpected incident.......

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