Haihara Ai's movements were very stiff, but she subconsciously adjusted them according to the clerk's instructions.

Until the kitten in my arms seemed to become comfortable and even purred.

"Look, this is the sign that the kitten feels comfortable."

"You can also try scratching its chin, it's very comfortable"

"Moreover, the cats in the store are all docile and will not get angry."

The clerk seemed to be confused, and he hasn't introduced the cat yet.

But I have to say, this is a good sale!

At least, whether it is Haihara Ai who is being"played with", or Ye Fei who is watching, Not even impatient

""Three Nine Zero""I feel that the scene of Xiao Ai holding the kitten is so loving."

Mao Lilan stood together with Ye Fei and Suzuki Sonoko and said with some relief.

"Um.......Whether it's Xiao Ai or a kitten, they are both cute."

Ye Fei nodded with a smile, and skillfully took photos from several angles with his mobile phone.

Haihara Ai's attention was probably all on the cat, and he didn't notice Ye Fei's movements.

"The breed of this cat is British Shorthair with white hair. It is about two and a half months old and is a bit young."

"Although this kitten looks thin, it is actually very healthy."

"We all have health inspection reports here."

The clerk began to explain the British shorthair dutifully and took out the cat's health report.

"If you want to take it back, we will provide ninety-day after-sales service."

"But as for the vaccine—because it’s too small, I only got one shot now."

"For the next two injections, you can take them with you every twenty days or so."

When the clerk was explaining,

Haihara Ai wasn't listening very attentively, and was focusing on scratching the cat's chin.

Coincidentally, at the same time as the clerk finished explaining, the cat in Haihara Ai's hand opened. When I opened my eyes, they were not big, but very round.

And......It is also a cat with different eyes, with blue left eye and gray right eye.

That gray eye didn't have a sickly gray look, but seemed a little bright.

Haiyuan Ai's eyes brightened a lot as he looked at it. He was obviously satisfied with this cat.

"Then select this one."Ye Fei said with a smile.

He also added by the way:"Xiao Ai can take good care of this cat."

Although Haihara Ai is a bit timid, she is not the kind of person who needs to be scolded or protected all the time.

Sometimes, proper encouragement is a better way to get along!

But she has no idea of ​​asking about the price. After all, don’t expect the prices for cats in pet shops to be low!

What’s more, Ye Fei is not short of money!

Haiyuan Ai was stunned for a moment, and when he glanced at the cat in his arms, he nodded silently

"And the cat."Ye Fei raised his finger and pointed at the other cat with a smile.

Hmm.......The one that screamed before exposed Ye Fei.

However, the cat Ye Fei chose had nothing to do with the meow just now.

But I took a fancy to it!

Ye Fei was not very interested in cats, but the cat was a silver tabby Maine Coon cat that should be over a year old.

My body has grown a lot and I have passed the embarrassing period.

The hair on his body is very domineering, and the two iconic tufts of hair on his ears are also quite long.

The eyes are not the usual yellow, but green, and slightly raised.

Clearly, this cat has a good pedigree.

The only problem.

Maine Coon cats are one of those breeds that look domineering but have a relatively docile temperament.

So, Ye Fei actually prefers lynxes, but it's a pity that they are difficult to deal with. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At least.......It cannot be kept at home openly.

(ps: I admit that I am bringing in private goods, but the more I look at the Maine Coon cats, the more I like them!)

Two cats with good prices were chosen one after another, and the pet shop clerk felt that he had been hit by a huge surprise.

However, it didn't appear too obvious on the surface, and he even wanted to introduce the Maine Coon cat to Ye Fei very professionally.

However, he was rejected by Ye Fei

"Unexpectedly, Ye Fei also fell in love with a cat."

Looking at the deal that was quickly concluded, Suzuki Sonoko said in a daze.

"But that cat looks good too, very domineering."

"However, his temperament is quite docile, which suits Ye Fei very well."

Mao Lilan nodded with a smile. She felt that the picture of Ye Fei picking up the Maine Coon cat was very warm.

Moreover, although the Maine Coon cat was very big, there was no stress reaction at all..On the contrary, it seems to be in perfect harmony with Ye Fei's 4.7 look, directly in Ye Fei's arms, belly facing up.

That's the kind of body shape.......A bit inconsistent.

Ye Fei was not in a hurry to pay, but communicated with the clerk about purchasing other items.[]

Such as cat apartments, cat scratching posts, cat food, cat litter....

Because I bought two cats and purchased other items at very low prices.

The clerk offered to deliver the goods to his door, so Ye Fei directly left his address.

The cat can be taken home in the car, and those miscellaneous things - just wait for the door-to-door delivery service!

Almost at the same time Ye Fei finished paying, Conan walked in anxiously..

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