Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 365: God really bullies people

While Chi Feichi was helping Feimo and Watson to re-bandage, Hui Yuanai looked at the refrigerator and came back, "There are pumpkins in the refrigerator..."

Chi Fei realized that he wanted to eat pumpkin rice, so he thought about it, "Try pumpkin steamed buns?"

"Okay!" Hai Yuanai nodded obediently.

She understands that Chi Feichi doesn't like to cook repetitive dishes very much. It's just a walking mobile recipe. You can eat different dishes every time. I'm so happy~

"Oh?" Bai Ma Tan laughed, "I knew I could come to visit and taste the dishes made by Brother Fei Chi, I would have come to disturb you long ago."

Dr. A Li smiled and asked, "Has Mr. White Horse also eaten?"

Bai Ma Tan nodded, "Yeah, the Sichuan-style hot pot of Chinese cuisine was very spicy at first, but the more I ate it, the more delicious it became. After I went to China Street to find a Chinese hot pot restaurant, I always felt that something was missing."

"Hongzi has that ingredient formula. She asked me for it that day. If you want it, you can go to her and make a copy." The head said, "How about keeping the pumpkin steamed buns for afternoon tea? Have hot dishes at noon, snacks for afternoon tea..."

The three nodded in unison.

Another snack, yummy.

For the lunch, Chi Feichi chose a spicy dish.

Spicy cumin ribs, Mapo tofu, hot and sour lotus root slices, fried vegetables with fungus, kelp and radish soup...

Haiyuan Ai saw several dishes with a lot of peppers, and helplessly helped to serve the rice.


Wouldn't it be too spicy to spit fire?

White Horse Detective is used to it and... I have been looking forward to it for a long time.

When Chi Feichi saw Chili, he thought of Koizumi Hongzi, and mourned to Haiyuan, "Hongzi is a beautiful magical girl. She said she wanted to meet you, but you always refused."

Hai Yuanai hesitated for a moment, "I don't really want to go out..."

"It's okay, I'll see you when I want to see you." Chi Feichi didn't force it, it's about fate.

Huiyuan Ai nodded, although she knew that she was a high school girl that Chi Feichi knew and could chat in the game, but when it was time to meet, she still felt that she was a stranger.

"Hongzi? Magical girl?" Bai Ma Tan was puzzled.

"Her nickname in the game." Chi Feichi said.

Bai Ma Tan couldn't help but laugh out loud, and then he held back his laughter, "Cough, sorry, I'm a little surprised... After all, her character... Well, beautiful magical girl..."

After dinner, Chi Feichi started to prepare snacks for afternoon tea.

Pumpkin steamed buns in the form of twelve-petaled chrysanthemums, ice-sugar stewed pears, purple rice coconut fragrant mango balls, sakura water letter cakes, lemon cheese cakes, coconut osmanthus cakes, passion fruit mousse... The same small plate, plus black tea.

Bai Ma Tan was also interested, rolled up his sleeves and made a few egg tarts. "I always feel that afternoon tea without more than five kinds of snacks is not afternoon tea. I really can't stand afternoon tea with only one or two kinds of snacks."

Dr. Li laughed dryly. In fact, the eldest young master has been doing it for a long time...

Forget it, he also learned from the British and enjoyed the afternoon with afternoon tea in a leisurely and relaxed manner.

Haibara Ai had already packed up the table and chairs by the window, grabbed a fashion magazine, and prepared the salted fish professionally... No, ready to enjoy.

"I also have this habit," Chi Feichi recognized. He also felt that he should either simply make a cup of tea or be more formal, and reminded, "Don't make it too sweet."

White Horse Tan wondered, "Will it spoil the taste of other dim sum?"

Chi Feichi: "I don't like things that are too sweet."

His snacks, including cakes, are not too sweet.

White Horse Detective: "..."

Okay, let's accommodate the hardest boss.

After a leisurely afternoon, Detective Baima originally wanted to ask Chi Fei Chi if he knew about the world's top killer 'Spider'. After all, it was the killer who came to Kidd. Fei Chi ran to investigate and encountered danger. In the end, he didn't mention it, and took Watson to leave.

Chi Feichi originally planned to stay at Dr. A Li's house and have dinner together before going back, but he received an email halfway and left with Feimo.

【are you back? How was this banquet? 】

The one who sent it.

Chi Feichi left Dr. A Li's house and stopped at the intersection of a street before starting to reply.

[It's very interesting, the Dusk Pavilion is a veritable golden pavilion after the exterior paint peels off...]

About what happened.

There is nothing to hide, including his contact with the famous detectives at the moment, to understand each other's character, and a case of cheating death.

[That was really an interesting banquet, did you get the gift for you? 】

[I got it, Feichi likes Kendama very much. ——Raki]

The one didn't reply, and he didn't know if he was speechless.

Chi Feichi put away his phone and drove home.

He was telling the truth, Feichi didn't go to Dr. A Li's house with him today, he just stayed at home and played kendama...

When Fei Mo is brought back, it becomes Fei Mo and Fei Chi who take turns playing Kendama...

Chi Fei came home late for dinner, went to the balcony to drink, and sent emails to people he knew.

Kuroba Kaito: [Brother Fei Chi, do you have any valuable gems in your house? I'm going to send you a notice! 】

Chi Feichi: [No. 】

Kuroba Kaito: [...Then what is the most important thing in your family? 】

Chi Feichi: [Fei Chi and Fei Mo. 】

Kuroba Kaito: […]

Steal Fei Mo? Before he even got close, Feimo called out and caught Chi Feichi's attention, right?

Steal Feichi? It can be approached, because Feichi may be waiting for him to approach, ready to bite him twice.

Would you consider putting them down first with hypnotic gas?

Chi Feichi: [I have already seen Qianjian's thoughts of descending, and I also deliberately hinted to her that she wants to do it on the helicopter, you can get out, and even if you are caught, it doesn't matter, after they see your true face, I will lead the suspicion to Kudo Shinichi, you look so similar, as long as you escape halfway, they can't confirm whether it is Kudo Shinichi. 】

Over there, Kuroba was stunned for a moment: [Okay, forget about it this time, I will cheat you once, and you will cheat me once, it's not serious, it's even... However, if the suspicion is brought to Kudo Shinichi, it's probably outside. There will be rumors that famous detectives are criminals and thieves in their spare time, right? Will it be bad? 】

Chi Feichi: [It's okay, his personality is split. 】

This is Conan's own admission...

Kuroba Kaito: [Uh...that kid offended you? 】

Chi Feichi: [It is not an offense, but he is also a heretic who should be burned to death. 】

Kuroba Kaito: […]

Cough, can we not mention heresy...

Chi Feichi not only chatted with Kuroba Kaito, but also replied to Hattori Heiji who sent a text message, Belmod, Gin, Florent who used the organization platform and email...

Several pages keep changing, and the messaging and organization platforms are fine. You can see the previous information. You don’t have to look for what the other party said before. When you reply to the email, you can only go back and check the date and time.

Let him see the date?

In addition to being silent, Chi Feichi could only be silent.

On September 29, Gin sent some recent information, and by the way asked him about the progress of the programmer's investigation, three emails.

He went to the Dusk Pavilion that day, but his mobile phone had no signal. When he came back to rest the next day, he sent an email to Midorikawa Saki to ask about the situation, but the date was...

Aug. 21.

Since the emails in the mailbox are sorted by time, when Midorikawa Saki replied to him, he had to go back and read the previous emails. Among the read emails that had not been cleaned up, he found the new reply email and forwarded it to Gin.

On the same day, Belmod sent an email, gossiping and chatting. He was just used to flipping through the mail piles in August to find unread emails. After the early morning, today is November 12th...

That's not too bad, at least new emails go to the front of the queue again, so there's no need to scroll back.

On today, November 12, Flante sent a summary of the latest intelligence, two emails.

Chi Feichi sent an email to Kuroba Kuito, and after the early morning, the date of the new email was displayed...

January 3.

Well, this time, there is still no need to scroll back, the new email is on the top.

However, he has found that if there are emails that are not responded to in time for more than two days, especially the emails that the other party said about 'tomorrow', they are not friendly to him at all, and they jump around on completely wrong dates. , it hurts too much.

Chi Feichi finished replying the emails and emptied his mailbox to avoid headaches in the future, and also to prevent some secret emails from being seen, then got up silently, went back to the house, and put on a coat.

Just after the early morning, the temperature dropped from 17 or 18 degrees to 1 or 2 degrees in an instant. The drop caught him off guard and unprepared.

Thieves are naive to bully people.


January 3.

Early in the morning, Haibara Ai started playing games on the computer. After playing for a while, she put on a thick coat and went out, "Doctor, let me go out for a while."

"Hey?" Dr. A Li scratched his head unexpectedly. Xiao Ai likes to go out recently, but it's better to go out more. He used to be too housebound, and he was worried that he might get sick from boredom.

Half an hour later, in a cafe in Mihua Town, Koizumi Koizumi looked after entering the door, walked to the table where Haibara Ai was sitting and sat down, smilingly looking at Haibara Ai, "Miaomiao? It won't be... eat Have you tried the spicy Chinese food that Chi Feichi made?"

Hai Yuanai nodded silently, yes, she was angry, and she felt uncomfortable in the morning. Thinking that "Magic Beautiful Girl" said some time ago that she had found a secret recipe for getting angry, she had no choice but to agree with Mianji...

"This is for you," Koizumi Hongzi handed a royal guard-like amulet to Huiyuan Ai, and smiled mysteriously, "If you stay up all night without losing your hair and eating spicy food, I have wanted to give you one for a long time, remember Take it with you."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Considering her previous experience of chatting with 'Magical Beautiful Girl', she guessed when she agreed to meet... that things might not be normal.

Forget it, be considerate of the patient.

"Thank You're welcome," Koizumi Hongzi stood up again, without even ordering coffee, and walked towards the door, "Then I'll go back first."

She just wanted to meet the people she could chat with in the game, and she just wanted to give a gift by the way. The people have already met and the things have been given, so they will naturally disperse.

No problem.

The waiter just stepped forward and wanted to ask Koizumi Koizumi what to order, but she saw Koizumi Koizumi passed him and left the cafe without any attachment, stunned in place.


Hai Yuanai also stayed for a while, then her expression returned to calm, she silently put away the amulet, lowered her head and drank the juice, then turned to the waiter and said, "Checkout."


Yes, her first face-to-face meeting ended just like that. She didn't go shopping together, not even have a cup of coffee and chat...

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