It's a little princess!! the midwife

said in surprise, wrapping the child in a bright yellow swaddle.


who was finally sure that their lives would be saved was excited, especially the mother and daughter, who were all safe, and those who had a lively mind had already begun to calculate how much reward they could get for this trip! Outside

the delivery room, Kangxi only heard the screaming inside that he was born, but he didn't see anyone come out for a long time, and his heart was worried, and his face was full of worry! Finally, Kangxi

saw the midwife come out with a little swaddle with a happy face!

"Congratulations to the Emperor! Congratulations to the Emperor! Concubine Shu gave birth safely! The princess has five pounds and four taels! Both mother and daughter are safe

!" Kangxi suddenly felt that his eyes were moist, and he couldn't say the complete words with excitement, nodding while saying

, "Good, good!" "

Just be safe!" Kangxi

carefully took the bright yellow swaddling, gently pulled the edge of the swaddling, and then saw the child's face! Wrinkled, eyes narrowed into slits.


whispered: "Gongjing, Amma's Jing! You are finally born!" At

this time, the originally quiet Gongjing let out a thin sobbing sound

, and Kangxi suddenly became nervous, "Take the princess in!

What is the situation of the concubine, but did she faint?"

"The imperial physician Wang who had finished just exited the delivery room, and when he heard Kangxi's inquiry, he quickly respectfully said: "Emperor, please rest assured, Niangniang's poison has been solved, plus the antidote came in time, and it did not cause much damage to Niangniang!


was already full of joy, and his handsome face looked radiant, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows revealed the pride of the spring breeze, revealing undisguised joy.

In the face of Imperial Physician Wang's invitation, he also said without care: "Reward, Liang Jiugong, reward him for half a year's Lilu!" Before Imperial Physician Wang

knelt down to thank him, Kangxi continued: "The whole of Yikun Palace rewards half a year!! For a while, Yikun Palace

was full of Xie's joy!

... In the east hall of Yikun Palace

, Mu Yao, who had finished giving birth, was moved here, and it was only after Kangxi left that Mu Yao had time to be alone.

Touching his stomach, which had been flattened, he said with an unpredictable expression: "Hairball, this fetus is really difficult to give

birth!" "Host, it's already very good! This is already the best way we can think of! Not only can you abolish a Guo Luo Luoyining who is dangerous to you, but also can dilute other people's bad thoughts about Xiao Kejing,

"Kill many things with one stone! You no longer have to worry about someone talking about the late birth of Qijing in the future!"

Mu Yao couldn't remember how she felt when she found out that Guo Luoluo and his family were still in contact with Guo Luoluo Yining, but she only remembered that she was relieved at that time, happy

that she had found the 'murderer behind the scenes'

! After all, if you want everyone to forget the day of Gongjing's birth, you have to add something more important on that day!

What could be more hidden than Shuguifei being hacked, and it is very likely that one child and two lives

were hidden?

Because most of the people in Yikun Palace are Kangxi people, plus the Empress Dowager has been watching the tiger during this time.

In addition, the fur ball cannot directly collect items, it must be something that he has touched, and Mu Yao can only do it in the Kangxi and Yikun palaces when he thinks about it.

God knows how difficult it would be for her to get close to the grove under the strict supervision of Honghe and Grandma Li, and in order to collect these dead branches, Mu Yao had to go out secretly every night.

Then use the system to arrange a dream for Guo Luo Yining to make her think that these are all done by her, this time in front of Kangxi barely did not show her stuffing

! Mu Yao couldn't help but sigh, information is the most fatal ah!

If he didn't know that Kangxi had mind reading, how could he have come to this point so smoothly?

But in a moment, the harem of the former dynasty knew about the murder of Concubine Shugui, and also knew that the murderer was Guo Luo Luoyining of the same family

, but after everyone knew that Mu Yao only gave birth to a princess, they immediately left Mu Yao and Yikun Palace behind.

What everyone is more concerned about is, how did Kangxi quickly know that the murderer behind the scenes was Guo Luo Yining?

After all, it doesn't look like Kangxi deliberately poisoned Concubine Shugui

! Then there is only one possibility, that is, Kangxi's control over the harem of the former dynasty is very terrifying! As long as you want to investigate, you can find out the truth in a moment!

On this night, the great families in the capital all delivered the same news to the palace - all actions were suspended !!

This is also the best way they can think of, after all, they don't know how much of their secret pile list is in Kangxi's hands, and they can only hope to hide it as much as possible!

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