"Eniang, look quickly, insect..." Yin

Qi pinched a black insect in her hand, stumbled in, and the granny behind her watched in horror as Yin Qi held the bug towards Mu Yao.

Who doesn't know that Concubine Shu is most afraid of all kinds of insects!

When she was about to give it to Mu Yao, Kangxi grabbed Yin Qi's little fat hand and took out a cloth and took away the black worm.

Throwing the cloth to Honghe, he picked Yin Qi up casually, and saw Yin Zuo walking behind

, "This stinky boy, your brother knows how to pick a flower, why did you bring a bug back to meet your mother." Kangxi

, who was not angry, pinched Yinqi's fleshy face, watched Mu Yao pick up Yinzuo with some difficulty, and quickly said: "Let him down, you are still pregnant!" Mu Yao

sat down holding Yinzuo, wiping the sweat on Yinzuo's forehead with some distress.

Yin Zuo's body is not as good as Yin Qi, three days and two heads are sick, and there are no antibiotics here, Mu Yao is very worried about Yin Zuo's fever.

Since Kangxi announced Yin Zuo's succession, the target received by Yikun Palace suddenly disappeared, and Mu Yao was able to take good care of Yin Zuo's body.

Kangxi looked at Mu Yao touching Yin Zuo's forehead worriedly, and he was also a little distressed in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Don't worry, didn't the imperial doctor say that Yin Zuo's body is not a big problem?

Mu Yao sighed, "No sweat, it's okay."

"Yin Qi, Yin Zuo, you haven't asked Huang Ama for peace yet, have you forgotten


Yin Qi glanced up at Kangxi and said in surprise: "Yes, Huang Amma!" Mu

Yao and Kangxi both looked at Liang Jiugong.

Liang Jiugong gave himself a direct look: "The slave should die."

"Mu Yao:"

..." Kangxi: "..."

After Yin Qi and Yin Zuo performed a non-standard salute, Kangxi asked Liang Jiugong to take out a mahogany box.

"Before the two of them did not have a big birthday, they happened to collect two pieces of mutton fat jade, let people carve a unicorn on it, and asked Master Huiju of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple to personally open the light, which will definitely protect the two children from growing up safely. Mu

Yao took the wooden box, picked up the jade pei and personally put it on Yin Qi and Yin Zuo.

"The concubine thanked the emperor for Yin Qi and Yin Zuo. Mu Yao chuckled, and a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Kangxi looked at

Mu Yao's delicate appearance, "Little fox, what about pretending to be a detachment?" Mu

Yao grabbed Kangxi's moving hand and stuffed Yin Zuo into Kangxi's arms, and just about to say something

, he saw Liang Jiugong come out of nowhere, and said in a low voice: "The emperor, Niangniang, Brother Qi's doctor is there." Concubine Dai Jiashu was making a fuss about Brother and saying that the slaves below did not enter the heart...."

Kangxi's face suddenly became gloomy: "Who gave her the guts to run to Brother's house!" Two

months ago, Wu Ya Clan and Dai Jia Clan gave birth at the same time, and as a result, Wu Ya Clan gave birth to a stillborn child, and Dai Jia's seventh Brother gave birth to a crippled right foot.

Kangxi directly ordered the execution of the Wuya clan, and also banned Dai Jia and sent the seventh brother to the Age.

Unexpectedly, this Dai Jia clan dared to go to Brother's house, you must know that if it weren't for her father's desperate begging Kangxi to leave her life, Kangxi would have let Dai Jia's and Wuya's be executed together.

Although she is now grounded in Xianfu Palace, no one dares to withhold her share, and when Brother Qi grows up in the future, Kangxi always wants to release her.

It was really a waste of Lord Dai Jia's painstaking efforts.

If Brother Seven is sick himself, if Kangxi finds out that he is directing and acting in order to carry Brother Seven back, I am afraid that Kangxi will not let her go easily!

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