She forced down her cry, her eyes were blocked by water mist, she blinked fiercely, and tears rolled out.

"Emperor, now I am also the empress, you tell me, who do you think did better?!"

Empress Niuhulu looked at Kangxi deadly, her sick body suddenly had vitality, she grabbed Kangxi's hand

, "Why don't you speak!"

Kangxiqiang held back the emotions rolling in his heart, and spoke with difficulty: "It's you, it's always you!

Empress Niuhulu smiled with satisfaction, but her face became more and more pale, and she slowly closed her eyes!

Kangxi trembled and went to shake Empress Niuhulu's hand, so thin and cold. Kangxi thought he would shed tears, but it didn't.

When he got up, his heart was already very calm, and when he looked at Empress Niuhulu, the only thing that flashed in his mind was how to deal with the forces left by Empress Niuhulu in the harem, and whether to accept another Niuhulu woman into the palace.

If others knew what Kangxi was thinking now, they would feel fear!


Mu Yao and the others waited for a while, and found that Liang Jiugong dragged a woman out, and when she was wondering

, Concubine Hui was surprised: "Isn't this the sister of the queen's mother-in-law, Miss Niuhulu San?

This.... Seducing her brother-in-law in front of her seriously ill sister?

Mu Yao's face was unpredictable, did she still underestimate the lower limit of the people here!

Concubine Hui wanted to say a few more words, but saw Kangxi come out expressionless, and was fixed in place by Kangxi's cold gaze and did not dare to move.

At this time, everyone heard the crying from inside the house and fell to their knees.

Kangxi said indifferently: "When the empress dies, each copy five volumes of the Jizo Sutra to pray for the empress!"

Leave everyone looking at each other.


As the highest-ranking Mu Yao in the harem, he had to stay to deal with some trivial matters, and some could not be handled so that he could only run to the Cining Palace to ask the Empress Dowager.

When Mu Yao returned to Yikun Palace, it was already evening.

The hungry Mu Yao felt hopeless at the thought of asking Ru Su for three months, and when Mu Yao walked into the main hall and heard Kangxi coming for a long time, Mu Yao's whole person was shocked

! No! What are you doing here! Shouldn't you be sad alone at this time?

And also pretending to be an understanding interpretation flower, Mu Yao's heart was twisted again.


Yao still had to show a suitable expression on her face to face Kangxi, and after working hard for a long time but still couldn't control the expression on her face

, Mu Yao: "Hairball, change clothes with one click." When

Mu Yao entered, she saw Kangxi leaning on the place where she usually leaned to drink, and the wine dripped on her big white!

So when Kangxi heard Mu Yao's footsteps and looked up, he saw Mu Yao's eyes red looking at him.

Kangxi: Was Yao'er so sad about the death

of the empress, and she thought that they had a bad relationship! and thought that the empress's own sister Niuhulu Fengga seduced herself regardless of her shame, but Yao'er was so sad that she had a conflict with the empress!

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