780 Gold Core Ancestor

The Qin family has the Gold Core ancestor in charge, but the Li family does not!

The ancestor of the Li family is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, while the ancestor of the Qin family is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and is still in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. The gap between the two is too big.

"Let's go quickly. The Qin family's guard will probably follow us soon!"

Lihuo City, a luxurious mansion somewhere.

A man with a cold appearance, bloodshot eyes, thin body, and sunken cheeks, like a mummy, stood in the yard, staring at a sculpture in a daze.

The sculpture is a woman, lifelike, beautiful and dignified, like a beautiful woman, but there is a hint of sadness between her eyebrows, which makes people feel the desire to protect her.

"Miss, I have done what you asked me to do, and now I'm afraid Qin Yang has been killed."

Suddenly, a maid came out of the room.

The mummy man's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask: "What's the result? Has his cultivation level dropped?"

"No..." The maid hesitated for a moment, shook her head, and said: "The people I sent to assassinate him, but four died, and three died by a thread."

"Huh?" The mummy man frowned, and his face suddenly darkened.

"He actually has such a trump card, no wonder he dares to be so unscrupulous, but it just so happens, isn't he going to participate in the alchemy competition? Wait until he enters the alchemy competition, then find a way to kill him and seize his spiritual spring water and spiritual talisman."

The mummified man snorted coldly, turned around and walked into the house.

"Miss, don't worry, I will contact Elder Wang right away. He has been killed by Qin Yang. Although Elder Wang's cultivation has been abolished, his life span has been depleted and he cannot recover from his injuries, he is still in the realm of Huagang after all. Qin Yang can only It’s just the Innate Realm, he will definitely die!”

At the foot of a barren mountain hundreds of miles away from Huo City, Qin Yang sat cross-legged on a stone, showing hesitation.

After thinking for a long time, I finally decided to postpone refining the elixir and practice the sword technique first.

There are nine levels in the "Tian Lei Sword Codex", each level has three sets of swordsmanship, and Qin Yang chose the sixth level.

The three styles of "Tian Lei Yin", "Tian Lei Yin" and "Ten Thousand Tons of Thunder" are Heaven Level sword techniques.

The Heavenly Thunder Sword Code is most suitable for practicing the Heavenly Thunder Sword Technique.

Moreover, Qin Yang feels that these heavenly thunder triggers are extremely compatible with the heaven and earth. If they are mastered, their power will not be inferior to the Heaven Level technique.

0…………Please give me flowers…

The Heaven Level skills, even the Low Level skills, are extremely valuable. Qin Yang is so poor now that he has no money to buy them.

Therefore, Tianlei Yin is indispensable, and other sword techniques can only be learned first.

The Heavenly Thunder Sword Manual is divided into five levels. After the first level is completed, the Sword Intent will take shape, and the sword energy will be like thunder, and one sword can split mountains and cut off rivers; after the second level is completed, the sword light will condense into thunder and lightning, and it will be sharp and sharp.

As for the follow-up, Qin Yang is not in a hurry to continue practicing. He will first master "Tian Lei Yin" and then consider other things.

The Heavenly Thunder Sword Code is divided into nine levels, and the difficulty of each level increases.

When practicing swordsmanship, there will always be thunder.

Qin Yang tried to condense the Sword Intent, but failed.

He originally planned to use the spiritual spring water to condense the Thunder Sword Intent into a Thunder Sword, but unfortunately failed...

This also made him understand that to condense Sword Intent, unless you have the talent Divine Ability or a special physique, relying solely on spiritual spring water will not work.

The condensation of Sword Intent is not like the condensation of Spirit Sea. Spiritual spring water can do it. .

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