767 inheritance

"Li Kaixuan!"

Yang Xu glanced at him with narrowed eyes and reached out to hold his hand.

When Zhao Lei saw this, his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted: "Damn it, Mr. Li, this is Yang Xu, you don't even know him, right?"

Li Kaixuan was stunned for a moment, then he let go of his hand with a smile on his face and said respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Yang, I am the heir to Huayu Real Estate, and my father is Lee Kuan Yew."

Yang Xu nodded lightly and said nothing.

"Haha... Hello, hello, welcome to Blue River KTV. This is my business card. If you want to play, just give me your name. I'll treat you. I guarantee you'll have a great time.

Li Kaixuan said and took the initiative to hand everyone his business cards.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then took the business card one after another, and then each of them showed envy and jealousy in their eyes.

This card is worth three thousand yuan.

Zhao Lei sat on the sofa in a daze, his face full of disbelief.

He didn't expect that a person like Li Kaixuan would know Yang Xu. Could it be that they are the same person?

Thinking of this, he suddenly broke out in cold sweat, secretly cursing himself a fool, why didn't he think of this just now?

Zhao Lei felt nervous, stood up hurriedly, and said with a smile: "Master Li, you guys talk, I'm going to the bathroom."

He turned and walked towards the bathroom.

After entering the toilet, Zhao Lei took out his mobile phone. After hesitation, he dialed a number and said in an anxious tone: "Brother, it's me, Lei Zi...I...I I've encountered a problem, if you have time, can you help me deal with it?"

Zhao Donglai's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone: "Leizi, what's the trouble?"

Zhao Lei briefly told what happened in the Blue River KTV, and then asked: "Brother, how do you think this matter can be resolved?"

"Haha, I asked you why you have been hiding from me recently. It turns out that you are trying to pick up girls. I said, Leizi, are you showing off your brain? Is she, the vice president of a bad company, worth this? Do you know? What kind of things does this woman do in the company?" Zhao Donglai sneered.

"For what?"

"What are you talking about? This woman's private life is in chaos, and she even has a pretty boy. Do you really believe that she truly loves you? Believe it or not, if you really marry her, you will be absolutely unlucky. "

"Real or false?" Zhao Lei was frightened and asked hurriedly.

"Nonsense, of course it's true. You should stay away from this woman. I'm afraid you will regret it.

"Then...can I break off the engagement now?"

"No, haven't you already brought Wang Xue to my house?"

"Brother, I just want to act with her, I...I..." Zhao Lei stuttered and was speechless. He was really scared.

"Acting? You are quite fucking scheming. Do you know that my dad has already arranged a marriage partner for me? If you are with her, will I be married to her? This is not a waste of time. Will I be happy for the rest of my life!" Zhao Donglai cursed.

Zhao Lei was anxious and said hurriedly: "I...I am willing to give you all the money. I only want Wang Xue, and as long as Wang Xue agrees to marry me, you can give me 10 billion, do you think that's okay?" "

"Fuck you, you want your fucking dream to come true, but you still need to see if Wang Xue cares about you? I guess she doesn't like you."

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