749 get rid of

Seeing that Zhao Lirong accepted his five million, Wang Hao felt much more comfortable.

In any case, the five million was already his entire net worth. He felt it was worth spending five million to get Yang Xu and Zhao Lirong to break up. After all, Zhao Lirong was indeed a rare beauty.

Yang Xu also breathed a sigh of relief, finally getting rid of Zhao Lirong.

"Let's go." Wang Hao opened the door and got out of the car, then stretched out his hand to help Zhao Lirong.

But who knew that Zhao Lirong suddenly struggled away, slipped into Yang Xu's arms, hooked her arms around Yang Xu's waist, rested her head on Yang Xu's chest, and murmured: "My dear, we won't sit down today. Fire.

Yang Xu was suddenly startled, and his whole body turned to stone.

"What? Aren't you willing to accompany me?"

Zhao Lirong raised her head and looked at Yang Xu with tearful eyes.

Her heart was pounding, and various complex emotions of tension, expectation, worry, and fear were intertwined together, leaving her heart empty.

"No, it's just... I'm afraid it will affect your study." Yang Xu swallowed and said.

"It's okay. I've already finished the exam. My parents won't care about my studies anyway. I'm going to find you."

After Zhao Lirong finished speaking, she stood up on tiptoes, kissed Yang Xu on the cheek like a dragonfly, and then pulled Yang Xu towards the bus stop.

"Yang Xu..." Zhao Lirong suddenly shouted.

Yang Xu stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Actually...Actually I..." Zhao Lirong gritted her teeth and summoned up the courage to say: "Actually, I like you. I was pretending to be generous just now, but in fact, I was very nervous.

Yang Xu was shocked, staring blankly at Zhao Lirong's shy and charming face, and said nothing for a long time.

He didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

Zhao Lirong took the initiative to hug his arm, put her head on Yang Xu's shoulder and said: "I also know that you have other women in your heart. Don't worry, I won't mind. I hope to be your girlfriend forever, etc." When you have the opportunity to make money in the future, you have to give me happiness for the rest of my life."

"Li Rong, thank you."

Yang Xu patted Zhao Lirong's shoulder lightly, his eyes as gentle as water.

Zhao Lirong smiled, took Yang Xu's arm, and the two walked towards the train station intimately.

0…Please give me flowers…

Seeing the backs of Yang Xu and Zhao Lirong, Wang Hao's face became extremely sinister, and his fists clenched loudly.

"Yang Xu, a fool, dares to steal my woman. I can't spare you. When you leave Zhaojiacun, I will make you live and die."

Yang Xu didn't know Wang Hao's anger. At this time, he was being hugged by Zhao Lirong. Along the way, the two of them were talking and laughing, and they were very happy.


"Let me tell you, Yang Xu, my cousin is a lunatic. You must not provoke him. He really dares to kill people!" Zhao Lirong reminded.

"Killing?" Yang Xu raised his eyebrows, "Has he killed anyone?"

"Well, he once killed a classmate when he was studying in Jiangnan City."

"What?" Yang Xu was startled.

Murder is illegal, and Wang Hao actually has money to buy a car, which shows that his family must be very rich. No wonder he can spend so generously.

Yang Xu regretted it now. If he had not agreed to Zhao's mother to attend the banquet, he would not have met Wang Hao.

But it's too late to say anything now. Yang Xu shook his head and sighed. .

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