744 blood relationship

The other one is Zhao Liang’s mother Wang Cuilian.

Some time ago, Zhao Guodong died in a car accident, and Zhao Liang became his only relative.

"Although Zhao Guodong and I are cousins, we are not related by blood. After his death, Wang Cuilian and Zhao Liang forced me to marry him. Of course I refused, so I ran out to work alone.

But I still owed a lot of debt, so I had no choice but to sell the house. "Zhao Lirong said with a sad face.

He finally understood why Zhou Xiaofeng had to let Zhao Lirong accompany him for one night.

Seeing that Yang Xu did not blame herself, but instead encouraged herself, Zhao Lirong choked with tears in her beautiful eyes: "Yang Xu, you...you are so kind."

The decoration inside the house is very simple, with only three bedrooms and one living room. There is a bed, sofa and table in the middle of the living room. Other than that, there are no other furniture or electrical appliances, making it look extremely shabby.

0…Please give me flowers…

He once treated Zhao Lirong, but Zhao Lirong abandoned him as soon as she turned around, and even sold him to Zhou Xiaofeng as a bodyguard.

"Let's go into the house and have a look." Yang Xu led Zhao Lirong towards the house.

Hearing Yang Xu's groan, Zhao Lirong blushed like an apple and stood there at a loss.

Zhao Lirong pointed to the room awkwardly and said, "I usually sleep in this room, so you don't mind."

Yang Xu nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to hold Zhao Lirong's cold jade hand and said, "Let's go, take me in and take a look. If the house is really dilapidated, I will help you return it."

Zhao Lirong took out an apron from the closet, put it on, and followed Yang Xu into the kitchen.

"Haha, he is quite powerful. He can actually force you to sell your house to pay off your debts." Yang Xu sneered and shook his head.

At this moment, Yang Xu seemed to be back to his childhood. Deep in his memory, he loved lying on the bed and playing because the bed was soft and more comfortable than the mattress.

"Yang Xu, let me help you."

"Did Zhao Liang bully you?" Yang Xu asked with a frown.

Zhao Lirong secretly vowed in her heart that she must pursue Yang Xu. She likes this sunny and handsome boy.

Yang Xu lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and hummed in enjoyment.

"Li Rong, I understand, you don't need to explain."

Seeing this, Yang Xu opened his eyes and said, "Don't be shy, lie down and rest."

"You go to bed and I'll go buy groceries.

Yang Xu's face suddenly darkened. He didn't expect that Zhao Liang's family would be so heartless.

Yang Xu put on his slippers and walked towards the kitchen. He knew that Zhao Lirong would definitely have no food to eat tonight, so he asked to cook.

"Selling the house?"

As he spoke, he took off his shoes and sat on the chair.


"Just rest nearby."

Yang Xu smiled bitterly, "I don't mind.

"It's okay, I'm just free when I'm free." Zhao Lirong pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

Her heart was filled with a touch of sweetness.

Yang Xu turned his head and glanced at Zhao Lirong, and said with a smile: "You're so hungry."

"So be it."

"Yang Xu, actually I...I..."

Zhao Lirong nodded, took off her shoes and climbed onto the bed. She leaned against the bed with her back and hugged her knees with her hands, not daring to move.

"Alas..." Zhao Lirong sighed again.

While the two were talking, Yang Xu started cooking. Soon the fragrant aroma of the food spread, which greatly increased Zhao Lirong's appetite and made her stomach growl.

"Okay then, I'll teach you how to make some side dishes."

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