740 repayment

She was worried that if it weren't for her, Yang Xu would have left long ago. After all, he relied on the Zhao Group to support him. If he left, how would she repay the debt owed by her father.

"Thank you, Yang Xu." Zhao Lirong smiled slightly and said softly.

She found that this migrant worker was very considerate and humorous, which she quite liked.

"You're welcome." Yang Xu said with a faint smile.

After Yang Xu and Zhao Lirong chatted for a while, they stood up and left.

Before leaving, Zhao Lirong handed a card to Yang Xu and said: "There are eight million in this card, the password is XXXXXX, the password is your birthday, remember to be there when you call.

"Thank you!" Yang Xu didn't refuse.

On the way to send Yang Xu downstairs, Zhao Lirong asked: "Yang Xu, my grandfather has been in a coma for three days. Can you revive him today?"

"I'll give it a try." Yang Xu shrugged.

Zhao Lirong's pretty face showed a hint of joy. She didn't expect Yang Xu to dare to guarantee it. It seemed that the boyfriend she had found had extraordinary medical skills.

Zhao Zhide was lying quietly on the bed at this time, his eyebrows furrowed, and he seemed to be sleeping uneasily.

Zhao Lirong took a deep breath, took Yang Xu's arm, and said softly: "Yang Xu, please."

"Don't worry! I will do my best." Yang Xu patted Zhao Lirong's jade hand and said.

After saying that, Yang Xu took out the silver needle and started twisting it quickly.

As Yang Xu became more and more skillful in his techniques, silver needles as thin as ox hair penetrated into Zhao Zhide's acupuncture points like spiritual snakes.

About five minutes later, Yang Xu put away the nine silver needles.

Zhao Zhide's eyelids twitched twice and he slowly opened his eyes, "Where is this?"

"Dad, this is my room." Zhao Lirong excitedly threw herself into Zhao Zhide's arms and cried.

"Rongrong, what's wrong with me? Why are you crying?"

"Dad, you don't know, you almost died. Fortunately, you met Yang Xu, otherwise you would have died, wuwu..." Zhao Lirong cried while telling what happened.

After Zhao Zhide heard this, he looked at Yang Xu in surprise, "Little brother Yang, you...can you really cure my disease?"

"Uncle Zhao, you don't have to doubt my words, it's just that the worm in your body is special, and I have to use a special method to draw it out... Yang Xu smiled bitterly.

"So that's it!" Zhao Zhide nodded thoughtfully.

"Dad, you take a rest first, I'll buy medicinal materials!" Zhao Lirong wiped her tears and said.

She knew that it was not appropriate to talk about treatment in this situation. After all, Zhao Zhide had a bug in his head right now.

Yang Xu looked at the time and saw that it was already past seven in the evening, so he went out with Zhao Lirong to go to the supermarket to purchase some medicinal materials.

"Eh? Wife, why did you come down with Brother Yang?" Zhao Xiaolan looked at the two of them in surprise.

"Aunt Xiaolan, I would like to thank Yang Xu this time." Zhao Lirong said with a sweet smile.

*4.5Did something happen to your dad?" Zhao Xiaolan asked hurriedly and nervously.

Zhao Lirong shook her head and explained: "It's okay, my dad has a bug in his head now, but Yang Xu can cure it.

"What! Brother Yang can cure my father-in-law?" Zhao Xiaolan widened her beautiful eyes with a look of shock.

"Aunt Xiaolan, you must not leak this matter." Yang Xu solemnly reminded. .

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