734 say hello

Yang Xu smiled apologetically at Lin Yuqing and said, "Sorry, Yuqing, I was busy practicing yesterday and forgot to say hello to my family. I'll go home right now.

"Hmph, get dressed and leave! No more gifting!" After Lin Yuqing finished speaking, she slammed the door and left Yang Xu alone in the room.

Yang Xu shook his head helplessly and climbed up from the bed.

"It seems that today we not only need to practice the "Nine Yang Mysterious Body Technique" and "Yi Jin Jing", but also find a method to learn!"

After Yang Xu finished dressing, he had a simple breakfast and rushed to the hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital.

At this time, Yang Xu's car was parked on the side of the road, and he was sitting in the car smoking boredly.

Yang Xu was about to explain, but suddenly he felt a fierce murderous intention and rushed towards him.

He took a step back suddenly, stabilized his body, looked at the black shadow with a surprised look on his face and said: "So strong! I didn't expect that there are masters like you hidden in China."

The black shadow said nothing and continued Yang Xu's attack.


Looking down along the water drops, I saw Lin Yuqing standing outside the car, with tears streaming down her face, and Lihua looking at Yang Xu with rain in her eyes.

I saw a black shadow rushing towards Yang Xu like lightning, and slapped him with a palm.

This person's strength is really terrifying! I don't know how many times stronger than the black-robed Martial Artists I met last night!

"Tomorrow? Why don't you tell me first? I can prepare in advance." Yang Xu said.

Yang Xu frowned, hurriedly took a step to the side to hide, and at the same time flew up and kicked him.

After the call was connected, Shen Mengyao's sweet voice came: "Husband, I miss you. I have to take leave tomorrow. I want to go back and see my parents."

"I'm fine! I'm just happy! Brother, you are finally willing to pay attention to me." Lin Yuqing said with a smile.


"Yuqing, I...

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xu lit another cigarette and started smoking leisurely.

"Jingle Bell!"

"Hey, Mengyao."

Yang Xu roared angrily, poured the spiritual energy from his Dantian into his fist, and punched the black shadow.

"Well, okay!" Yang Xu nodded.

The two of them fought fiercely together, with fists flying and strength surging.

The black shadow collided with Yang Xu's legs, making a loud noise, and Yang Xu's right leg suffered severe pain.

Suddenly, the phone in Yang Xu's pocket rang.

"Fool, what are you talking about? Okay, I will accompany you tomorrow." Yang Xu said.

"Okay, then we have agreed that we will meet in the square downstairs at eight o'clock tomorrow morning!"

“Bang bang bang!”

The black shadow took the opportunity to launch a crazy offensive against Yang Xu for a long time.

The black shadow was not afraid at all, and resisted the punch, then swept forward with a whip kick.

"It's okay. I just go back and see them anyway. I'm afraid I'll cause trouble to you."

Yang Xu suddenly found that crystal clear water drops fell on his legs.


Lin Yuqing saw that Yang Xu cared about her, and her sad heart instantly calmed down.

Yang Xu took a few steps back again, feeling pain in his chest as if he had been hit by a hammer.

This black shadow is none other than the killer sent by Li Tiejun.

"Yuqing! What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" Yang Xu suddenly panicked.

Yang Xu took out his phone and looked at it, and found that it was a call from Shen Mengyao.

0......Please give me flowers......

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