732 suffered a loss!

Yang Xu rolled his eyes depressedly. He found that every time he chatted with a girl, he always suffered a loss! Because Lin Yuqing was like a little pepper, with a bad temper, and if she was slightly irritated, she would immediately explode!

At the same time, in the Li family mansion.

"Hahaha... That's great! Master, we are finally out of trouble!" A young man cheered excitedly.

Li Haotian was sitting on the sofa. After hearing his words, he slowly opened his eyes and said calmly: "Why are you anxious? What about me?"

"Oh, the master is in the study. The master has decided to pass on the title of head of the family to you, so now the master is preparing a will and convening the core members of the Li family for discussion.

Li Haotian nodded, stood up and walked quickly towards his father's study.

"Dad, look for me!"

When Li Zhengnan saw Li Haotian coming, he showed a smile, pointed to the sofa and said: "Haotian, come, sit down, let's have a good chat" ||!"

Li Haotian sat down, his eyes fell on the tea cup next to his father, frowned and asked: "Dad, where is my mother?"

"Your mother, she is preparing to go out to buy groceries now. She said she is going to the supermarket to buy groceries and cook to celebrate your return home!"

After Li Haotian heard his father's words, he frowned and said, "Dad, we don't need to make it so grand, we are not going to attend a funeral!"

"Haotian, I know you feel uncomfortable! But now that the entire Li family is at the forefront, I must show my sincerity!"

After speaking, he picked up the teapot on the table, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and said: "Haotian, I know you don't like drinking tea, so I specially ordered the kitchen to cook red dates and wolfberry tea, which can nourish blood and Qi. How about you try it."

Seeing this, Li Haotian shook his head and said, "Thank you, dad! But I'm really not suitable for drinking now, so dad, you don't have to worry about me!"

After saying that, he stood up from the chair, turned around and walked outside the room.

"Haotian! Haotian!" Li Zhengnan immediately chased after seeing this.

"Dad, why are you still chasing me?" Li Haotian stopped and said.

"Haotian! Since you are back now, you can stay in the Li Group from now on. At least I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"No, I still want to make my own way!" Li Haotian refused.

"Alas! You kid, you are so stubborn! Forget it, I am too lazy to persuade you, you just have to figure it out yourself! Anyway, the property of the Li family will belong to you two brothers sooner or later!" Li Zhengnan sighed and said.

"Haha, I believe that with my ability, the Li family's property will belong to me sooner or later!" Li Haotian said word for word.

"Oh, Haotian, you kid is just too stubborn! Forget it, if you don't want to stay at the Li family, just go live with your mother for a few days. Anyway, the villa is idle, so it doesn't matter. Zhao Hao) is useful.

"Okay!" Li Haotian agreed.

That night, Yang Xu took Lin Yuqing to the villa to stay.

"Yang Xu, why do I feel so eerie here?"

Lin Yuqing was lying next to the window, stretching her neck to look at the garden in the yard. She felt frightened and couldn't help but shudder.

"Don't worry, there are no ghosts here!" Yang Xu comforted.

"How can you guarantee that? What if there is really a ghost?"

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