728 Headquarters

"Thank you, dad!" Li Meixin said excitedly.

At the same time, the headquarters of Li Group.

After Li Haotian hung up the phone, he raised a sinister curve in the corner of his mouth: "Li Zhenbang, I want to see where you run this time? Aren't you awesome? Aren't you capable? If you have the guts, you will always hide, otherwise I will I guarantee that your life will be worse than death!"

At the same time, somewhere on a barren mountain in the western suburbs of the capital.

"Master, what should we do now? Should we go back to save the young master?" Zhao Bo asked worriedly.

"No need, have you forgotten the task assigned to us by the master? The first thing we have to do now is to improve our cultivation. As for the Li family, we don't need to pay attention to it for the time being." Zhao Tianxing said calmly.

207 "But if the master comes back, I'm afraid we won't be able to communicate." Zhao Hu said worriedly.

"Hmph! I believe that the master will definitely take revenge on us. The master once said that he is a member of the Dragon Teeth Special Forces and a soldier. He will never allow the enemy to poop and urinate on top of his head, even if he dies. I also want to bite off a piece of the opponent's flesh." Zhao Tianxing said word by word.

Zhao Hu nodded, and then looked at Zhao Tianxing doubtfully: "But master, what organization are you talking about Longya? Why have I never heard of it?" (ahej) "Longya is the only organization in China. The only secret army in the world, their training is based on the elites trained by China's top military academies. After retiring, every member of our country has been placed in the Dragon's Tooth to fight side by side! The name of this group of people is called Longya Special Forces, and their numbers are 3, 6, 7, 9, and 11. [We Longya Special Forces all belong to No. 8!"

"No. 8?" Upon hearing this, Zhao Hu's eyes widened with shock: "Master, aren't you also No. 8?"

Zhao Tianxing smiled bitterly and said: "I was just 18 years old when I joined Longya. At that time, I thought I would become the 13th captain of Longya, but what I didn't expect was that I was only ranked sixth, and five years older than me. The 4-year-old fourth brother is already No. 2. I was envious of him for a long time at first, but later I worked hard and finally caught up with him and surpassed him. But who knew that he would actually become No. 4.

"Master, in this case, why don't you ask them for help?" Zhao Hu continued to ask.

"Looking for them? Humph, if you go, do you think you can come back alive? Let me tell you, in Longya, we are in a competitive relationship. If you want to live, you'd better pray not to meet him. But if you have a chance, , I don’t mind destroying him.” Zhao Tianxing squinted his eyes, his eyes flashing coldly.

"Oh!" Zhao Hu nodded lightly and said nothing more.

At the same time, in Yanjing City, in a grand hall of classical architecture.

"Master, the young master has been arrested by the Li family, what should we do?" The housekeeper asked Li Wenyuan, who was sitting on the master's chair with his eyes closed and dozing with worry on his face.

"Why are you panicking?" Li Wenyuan opened his eyes and said calmly.

"After all, the young master is the only male of the Li family. Now that he has been caught by the Li family, I'm afraid..." the housekeeper said with a worried look.

"Haha, so what if they capture Haotian?

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