719 is a far cry from that!

"Then are you going to watch her marry into someone else's family and become someone else's wife?"

Ye Feng shook his head. The Li family was considered a big family in Dongzhou City, but compared with the Wu family, it was still far behind!

What's more, the Wu family is one of the four major families and is backed by the four major families. If the Wu family wants to kill the Li family, it is as easy as crushing an ant!

Seeing the resentment on Li Zhenbang's face, "583" Ye Feng patted him on the shoulder:

"Young Master Li, I think you should try to stay out of her affairs as much as possible!"

After saying that, Ye Feng turned around and glanced at Li Yunhai in the front row: "Uncle Li, I'm going to stay in a hotel tonight, and you can take me to school tomorrow!"

Li Yunhai nodded slightly, and then led the three of them towards the front row!

There was nothing to say all night. The next day, when the sun rose high and shone on the earth, Li Zhenbang's family walked out of the airport!

As soon as I walked out of the airport, I noticed a Rolls-Royce Trooper parked not far away!

This Rolls-Royce was delivered by Ye Feng last night, and Ye Feng also told the Li family over the phone that someone would be sent over today!

"Grandpa, you sit in the back seat and I'll drive!"

Li Zhenbang handed the salute to his grandmother and mother, then opened the car door and got into the driver's seat.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's skillful driving skills, Li Yunhai nodded in appreciation. His grandson is not only an outstanding business elite, but also an Apex Level racing driver!

"Grandpa, mom, grandma, hello, welcome to Hua!"

Li Zhenbang took out the gifts he had already bought from the car and handed them to Li Yunhai's parents.

"Haha... Xiaobang is so filial!"

Li Yunhai's parents obviously loved this precious gift very much, and at this moment, Li Zhenbang suddenly thought of his father and sister:

"By the way, Grandpa, Mom, I have something to tell you!"

Li Zhenbang thought of his useless brother and immediately told his grandfather and mother about his situation.

"Bastard! This bastard doesn't even have a long memory. He really thinks this is his territory, or is he the eldest son of the Li family!!!"

Li Yunhai was furious, with veins popping out of his clenched fists, and his eyes seemed to be splashed with flames, bloodshot and ferocious:

"Hmph! When I find him, I will peel off his skin, remove his bones, and crush his soul!"

Li Zhenbang's face also became extremely livid. Not only the Li family, but also the Li brothers disgusted him to the extreme. Such scum were simply a waste of food when they were alive. It would be better to die cleanly!

While Li Zhenbang was chatting with his grandfather and mother, he saw a group of bodyguards dressed in black standing not far ahead...

And in the middle of these bodyguards, there was a man. He exuded a strong aura of ruthlessness and hostility, especially the faint sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth.

This man has a slender figure and a handsome appearance, but his eyes are evil and intimidating!

The moment he saw Li 2.9 Zhenbang, the man was suddenly startled, and then his face was full of horror:

"You...why are you here?"

Li Zhenbang also knew this man, and he was none other than his famous, suave, and romantic Gao Ge Li Haotian!

Seeing the other party, Li Zhenbang's eyes gradually narrowed:

"Li Haotian, you didn't expect that I would come back!"

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