711 is as white as dirt!

But then, what shocked them was that their master Li Jianhua actually stopped them, and at the same time his face turned as pale as dirt!

"Dad! Please save me quickly and help me take revenge!!!"

Li Jianhua now hates Ye Feng. Although he is a playboy, he is definitely not an idiot. Ye Feng just used one punch to beat him into a cripple. This guy is simply a pervert!

Li Yunpeng's face turned livid instantly. He couldn't figure out when his son had provoked such a evil star!

"Boy, if you dare to hurt my son, no matter who you are, you are dead!!!"

Li Yunpeng gritted his teeth at this moment, and immediately said to the bodyguard on the side: "Catch him, I will torture him myself!"

After hearing Li Yunpeng's order, the security guards were about to take action. However, at this moment, a Bentley roared over and stopped on the street!

Two middle-aged people got out of the car. One was fat and the other was thin. They looked very uncoordinated. Moreover, they were supporting an old man on crutches, one on the left and the other on the right. They looked cautious and even a little scared!

"Dad!" After seeing the old man, Li Jianhua looked overjoyed and hurriedly greeted him!

And that old man is none other than Li Jianhua’s grandfather—Li Zhenbang!

Li Zhenbang has a disease in his legs and feet and has difficulty moving. He is usually taken care of by Li Jianhua. But today he heard that his son and Ye Feng had a dispute, so he hurried over!

"Ahua, how did you become such a virtuous person!"

Li Zhenbang frowned slightly, then turned to look at the four corpses on the ground, his expression becoming more and more gloomy:

"Ahua, who hit you?"


Just as Li Jianhua was about to speak, he was glared hard by Li Yunpeng, and then he quickly shut his mouth!

When he heard that his grandson did not dare to say anything, Li Zhenbang immediately guessed that it must be related to the stranger in front of him:

"Who are you! How dare you make trouble here!"

Li Zhenbang's eyes were fixed on Ye Feng, full of evil spirit and resentment, especially since the other party actually broke his precious grandson's arm, he wanted to tear him into pieces!

After hearing this, Ye Feng looked down upon Hou:

"Old man, don't think that because your surname is Li, you can climb up to our Shen family! I advise you to leave with your useless son, so as not to cry later!"


Ye Feng's words stunned Li Yunpeng, Li Jianhua and others, and then a trace of violent murderous intent filled the chests of Li Yunpeng and Li Jianhua!

The other party actually said that he was a waste. This was simply a provocation from Chi Guoguo!

Thinking of this, Li Yunpeng's face turned red, and he sneered: "Haha, that's quite loud! In this case, we will be played!"

Li Yunpeng was quite conceited about his skills. He looked at the bodyguards around him and said, "You all should stand down! Tonight, I will avenge you!!!"

(Li's Zhao) Li Yunpeng's voice was extremely cold, and when the bodyguards behind him heard this, they dispersed and left the coffee shop one after another. However, Li Yunpeng walked up to Ye Feng step by step, with a stern look in his eyes. Extremely like a wild beast that chooses people to eat!

"Boy! Kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe I can spare your life! Step!"

Li Yunpeng's words were extremely arrogant, and he seemed not to be afraid of angering Ye Feng at all. After all, in his eyes, the other party was just a little loser!

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