691 is precious!

"Here, Sister Yun, please check it out." Ye Feng handed the shopping bag to Sister Yun.

Then, he walked to the counter on the other side.

This is the women’s underwear section, and the things inside are even more expensive!

She wouldn't dare give the clothes here to such a fool!

Ye Feng tried on the clothes one by one. While trying them on, he asked the cashier:

"Impossible, how could the boss sell you such precious clothes to a rural person! I want to see the boss!" Xiaohong's pretty face turned red with anger, and she wanted to rush into the fitting room and look for that person. The boss theorizes!

"Why! Is your family running this place? Are you going to leave at your request?"

Xiaohong was stunned for a moment, then gritted her teeth: "It doesn't matter if you don't give it to me, but you must return the clothes!"

Xiaohong's mind raced and she quickly thought of a way.

"Xiaohong, everything we have here has customers!" The cashier shook his head and refused.

Boss lady......

However, as soon as she raised her legs, Ye Feng stood in front of her: "You are not allowed to leave, I haven't finished choosing yet!"

Thinking of this, she immediately walked to the cashier, whispered a few words, and then walked towards Ye Feng.

"We want these clothes"!

"You ask me, how did I know! These are all designed by the boss himself, and whoever buys them will be the boss's wife!"

"And that set..."

Ye Feng, on the other hand, was like visiting a vegetable market, testing each item one by one.

However, Ye Feng ignored her at all.

She originally thought that this young man was a fool, but she never expected that she would meet someone even more stupid!

"Hey, wrap up this one and that one!"

When he heard this, the cashier's expression was extremely strange.

"No, absolutely not, it must be a trick! Huh, the things here are not something a country bumpkin like him can afford. This guy is simply looking for death!"

Xiaohong was very angry. Why should she let others take advantage of her hard-earned money?

"Miss, may I ask, are you okay?" Sister Yun frowned. She looked at Xiaohong and vaguely guessed something.

"You..." Xiaohong was frightened, afraid that Ye Feng would snatch her clothes. He moved every step to avoid Ye Feng.

He was still choosing slowly.

Xiao Hong was very proud. She originally wanted these clothes to disparage Ye Feng. Since this guy is so stupid, why not do it.

Seeing this scene, the cashier's attitude became even more determined: "Xiaohong, can you please stop being unreasonable? The clothes here are limited edition and not for sale!"

"Then tell me who will buy it!"

"No!" The cashier shook his head sharply!

Xiao Hong was arrogant, and she planned to take the opportunity to take revenge and humiliate Ye Feng.

"Sister Yun, Sister Yun..."

"Humph, I just made an agreement with the cashier, and she gave you the things here!"

"I said, did you hear the tincture in your ears? Didn't you hear what I just said to the cashier?"

A necklace costs 500,000 to 600,000 yuan! An evening dress also costs over 20,000 yuan!

Everything here belongs to the boss, doesn't that mean...

Seeing that Ye Feng actually chose these high-end goods, Xiao Hong finally panicked. These were all the things she had dreamed of, but Ye Feng actually bought them one by one. Could he really be a second-generation rich man or a second-generation official?

The cashier rolled his eyes, and as soon as he said these words, Xiaohong was completely frozen in place.

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