655 Devour the sky and swallow the sun!

At this time, the Heavenly Demon jumped out of the car window and transformed into its true form.

"Eat the sky and swallow the sun!!!"

The Heavenly Demon spit out four cold words from its mouth.

In an instant, a black hole appeared in front of this man.

This black hole contains terrifying devouring power.

In the blink of an eye, this member of the Wanjian City Guards disappeared from where he was.

Seeing this, the expressions of the remaining strong men of the Wanjian City Guards changed.

They all activated their secret techniques and treasures to resist the Heavenly Devouring Demon's 07 Sun-devouring Heavenly Demon.

"Eat the sky and swallow the sun - swallow the sky!!!"

Then the Heavenly Demon roared directly.

It once again displayed its unique skill of devouring the sky and swallowing the sun, swallowing up all the remaining strong men of the Wanjian City Guards.

The entire void seems to have completely become the domain of the Heavenly Demon.

In just a moment, all the powerful members of the Wanjian City Guards died tragically here.

Then the Heavenly Demon went directly into the car with the windows closed.


The car door opened, Xiao Yifeng sat inside and said.

Soon the car headed towards Ten Thousand Sword Mountain.

"Master, this Devouring the Sky and Swallowing the Sun is a unique trick created by Warcraft. It requires burning blood to be used.

"Although you are the master of the Star Palace, you have not yet entered the realm of reincarnation."

"I'm afraid it's difficult to activate this stunt, so please use it with caution.

Following Xiao Yifeng's arrangement.

At this time in Wanjian City, 800 people from various major families gathered in the square of the city and were discussing.

"According to what the gang of bandits said, it seems that there is a young man named Ye Yu among these business travelers."

"So it's the gangsters who did it?"

After doing all this, Xiao Yifeng chuckled.

Xiao Yifeng then used his technique to directly crush the star, releasing majestic power.

This Ten Thousand Sword Mountain is directly covered with a light curtain.

At this time, an old man in the square was telling what happened last night.

Xiao Yifeng moved the seal with both hands.

Xiao Yifeng trembled and quickly activated the Ninth Grade Holy Thunder defensive shield.

Immediately, the powerful people from all the major families present began to speculate.

"A piece of news came out of Wanjian City last night."

"Don't worry, I know it well, and now I have entered the Divine King realm."


He waved his hand, and the carriage drove directly into the passage at the foot of the mountain, heading towards Ten Thousand Sword Mountain.

"It is said that a business team came to Ten Thousand Sword City and wanted to enter Ten Thousand Sword Mountain to purchase some Spirit Medicine and weapons."

"Have you heard about it?"

“In the end, the whole caravan team was wiped out, and no one survived.

Tremendous energy swept across.

Xiao Yifeng took one step forward.

Then Xiao Yifeng and the Heavenly Demon left the carriage.

He stretched out his hand, and a star appeared in front of him.

The Heavenly Demon Beast said to Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

At this moment on the top of the mountain,

This terrifying energy aftermath was directly blocked by the energy shield of the Ninth Grade Holy Thunder.

"It should still be possible for me to activate the Sky Devouring Sun."


He stood at the foot of Ten Thousand Sword Mountain.

In a blink of an eye, the carriage stopped at the foot of Ten Thousand Sword Mountain.

Waves of huge roaring explosions resounded through the void.

With the help of this power, he directly began to set up formation restrictions.

"As a result, we were robbed by a group of bandits from Wanjian City."

"Let's go up the mountain!!!"

Then a destructive force burst out from the star in Xiao Yifeng's hand and landed on the top of Ten Thousand Sword Mountain.

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