601 Fortune tricks people

After Chen Hao's voice fell, the physical father looked up to the sky and roared, his laughter was extremely miserable.

"Why are you laughing?" Chen Hao frowned and asked.

The father in this physical body said: "I laugh at the injustice of the sky and at the tricks of fate."

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I thought I had reached the peak of the Gold Core Realm and was only one step away from becoming a Nascent Soul master. But I didn't expect that I lost to you, an evil obstacle.

Alas! What a twist of fate!"

Chen Haodao: "Don't talk nonsense, how could you die? Your life expectancy will be 300 years old tomorrow!"

"Three hundred years old!"

After listening to Chen Hao's words, the figure suddenly stopped smiling. He stared at Chen Hao and said in a conspiratorial manner: "Boy, do you know who I am?"

Chen Hao shook his head.

"I am the eternal emperor of China, the reincarnation of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor Fuxi." The Daoist shadow said coldly, his voice was bone-chilling, making Chen Hao tremble all over.

"Xuanyuan Great Emperor". "1

Chen Hao was stunned. He didn't expect that his father in this body was actually one of the protagonists of this world, the Sovereign of China.

Chen Hao continued: "You are the emperor of China forever, but now you are dead, and you died so miserably, aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

"Haha, ridicule?" Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor laughed and said: "I, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, sit upright and are never afraid of ridicule. What's more, I died because of the failure of Transcending Tribulation. I can't blame anyone."

Chen Haodao: "It is a pity that you also have two wives and a son, and they are all dead, and they all died at the hands of your enemies."

"My enemy?" Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said: "Yes, I do have two wives and a son, but they are all dead." I can't wait to destroy these people. "

Chen Haodao: "Of course your enemy is the Temple of Gods and Demons. You are the holy envoy of the Temple of Gods and Demons. Unfortunately, you violated the will of the Temple of Gods and Demons and escaped privately. You were caught by the people of the Temple of Gods and Demons. Then he was tortured to death.”

"House of Gods and Demons!" Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's eyes narrowed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "They actually chased Xianwu Star. I won't let them go. I, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, travel across the entire universe, how can I be beaten by just one person? The Temple of Gods and Demons is threatening me. When I stand on the top of this universe again, I will definitely kill the entire Temple of Gods and Demons.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly closed his eyes, a look of pain appeared on his face, and then he began to bleed from his seven orifices.

Seeing this, Chen Hao quickly stretched out his hand to hold his chest, and at the same time injected his soul energy into his body continuously.


As he injected soul energy into Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's body, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor spat out a mouthful of blood again.

But this time, the blood did not flow out. Instead, it seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction (okay), and quickly rushed to the head of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor.

Then, his head dissipated and turned into an extremely pure soul energy.

When this soul energy merged into Chen Hao's sea of ​​soul, a soul crystal was formed.


After swallowing the soul crystal, Chen Hao couldn't help but let out a long breath and sighed secretly: "As expected of the Divine Continent, it is actually possible to condense a soul crystal minister of this level.

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