596 giant valley

Not long after, Chen Hao arrived near a giant valley. There were many buildings in this valley, occupying all directions of the valley, forming a circle around the entire valley.

In the center of the valley stands a majestic palace. The palace is surrounded by rich spiritual energy, making the palace look like a fairyland.

Chen Hao glanced at the protective formation outside the palace and thought to himself: "This formation is not simple. It is actually a Fourth Grade defensive formation. No wonder the main altar of the Sirius Sect has been able to stand for thousands of years. With these formations alone, even if the Heavenly Wolf Sect is attacked by other masters of the Xuan Immortal Level, I'm afraid they can escape safely, right?"

After Chen Hao finished sighing, he held his right hand in the air, and a purple thunder ball suddenly condensed in his palm.

This purple thunder ball is semicircular in shape, about the size of a baby's fist. Although it seems ordinary, it contains terrifying destructive power. Once it explodes, it is enough to destroy all living things within a radius of ten thousand miles.

Chen Hao did not let the thunder ball explode, he put it into the storage ring.

After collecting the purple thunder, Chen Hao's eyes moved to the large formation in the valley, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "How dare you stop me with just the Fourth Grade formation々||!"

After the words fell, Chen Hao flicked his fingers and shot out two tiny purple lights.


The two purple lights were extremely fast. They reached the sky above the formation in almost the blink of an eye. Then with a roar, two balls of thunder fire bloomed above the formation. Following that, a large number of arcs of electricity followed. Thunder fire shot out in all directions, and all the purple lightning hit the peaks.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

With a violent muffled sound, hundreds of towering peaks in the valley instantly turned into ashes.

And behind those peaks, a deep and dark passage was revealed.


Looking at the dark passage, Chen Hao shouted softly, and immediately jumped into the dark passage. Lu Dongbin followed closely behind. He knew that his cultivation was the lowest, so he would naturally be at the bottom.

After entering the dark passage, Lu Dongbin only felt that his eyes suddenly opened up. They had arrived in the middle of a wide mountain. There was a huge bed in the middle of the mountain. In addition to the bed, there was also a table and a chair, which looked quite impressive. For elegance.

"Haha, it's finally here!"

When Chen Hao and Lu Dongbin arrived at the mountainside, a hearty laugh spread throughout the mountainside.

After hearing the laughter, Lu Dongbin's expression suddenly changed and he shouted sternly: "Who is it? Get out!"

"Hey, do you want to find my leader?"

An indifferent voice came from the house on the left side of the mountain, and then a burly man was seen walking out of the room.

The strong man was dressed in a golden robe, with his upper body bare and bulging muscles, full of masculine beauty (Li Hao), but those beautiful things were hidden under the skin, and every inch of his skin was covered with blood-red blood. The lines look like some kind of runes.

After the strong man came out, he first glanced at Chen Hao and Lu Dongbin, and then glanced at the unconscious man lying on the bed. He said to Chen Hao and Chen Hao: "Who are you? You dare to break into Tianlang "Teacher, aren't you afraid of death?"

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