586 Soul Locking Sword

The soul-locking sword can suck people's souls, which is very evil. "

"Oh." Chen Hao still dealt with Wang Zhiyuan calmly.

"Boy, suffer death!"

At this moment, the four men in black shouted loudly at the same time, and then activated the soul-locking swords in their hands to slash towards Chen Hao.

Four dark soul-locking swords cut through the void and came to Chen Hao in the blink of an eye, sealing all his retreating directions.

Facing this level of sword energy, Chen Hao was not afraid at all. He grabbed the void with his right hand and pulled out a golden spear.

"Hey~" Chen Hao held the golden spear and stabbed at the four dark soul-locking swords.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang .. ........."

When the spear in Chen Hao's hand struck the soul-locking sword, a crisp and sweet sound was heard. All four soul-locking swords escaped the control of the man in black and shot out in all directions.

The four men in black groaned and collapsed on the ground with pale faces.

"Hey, what kind of weapon is this? It can actually break our soul-locking sword. This is an extraordinary thing." The four men in black slumped on the ground looked at the spear in Chen Hao's hand, their eyes filled with greed. .

Chen Hao glanced at the four people lying on the ground and said calmly: "If you want to survive, tell me what happened to the old guy and the girl just now."

"Boy, you don't want to know any news, we would rather die than surrender."

Chen Hao shook his head and said: "I don't need you to tell me. As long as you tell me the news I want to know, I will let you live. But if you refuse to tell me, then you can't blame me. I will throw your bodies away." Soak in a manure pit for three months."

"Haha! Just dream!" A man in black said disdainfully.

"Really? Then go die."

Chen Hao spoke calmly, then he held the golden spear in his right hand and stabbed it out suddenly.

The stabbing was very fast, leaving only an afterimage. After the afterimage dissipated, the spear pierced the throat of the man in black.

Even before he died, the man in black's eyes were still wide open, as if they could never be closed.

"Master, you...

Wang Zhiyuan was a little shocked. He originally thought that Chen Hao was no match for the man in black. After all, the weakest among the four of them was a monk at the peak of the Gold Core stage, while he was only at the early stage of the Gold Core stage.

Moreover, he also felt that Chen Hao seemed to only have a cultivation level of the Gold Core stage. He didn't understand how such a monk could kill a monk at the peak of the Gold Core stage so easily?

Although Wang Zhiyuan was shocked, his reaction was quite quick. After seeing Chen Hao kill one person, he quickly turned around and ran away, because he knew that Chen Hao could kill even the masters at the peak of the Gold Core stage. Killing him was a Gold Core stage one. The little monk on the first floor couldn't be simpler.


Seeing Wang Zhiyuan running away (from Zhao), Chen Hao didn't bother to care about him. He tiptoed, jumped up, turned into a golden afterimage, and chased Wang Zhiyuan.

After all, Wang Zhiyuan is a Gold Core monk. He runs very fast. With a few jumps, he rushed hundreds of meters.

"You can't escape." Chen Hao smiled coldly and continued to chase Wang Zhiyuan.

"You... what kind of monster are you!" Seeing Chen Hao getting closer and closer, Wang Zhiyuan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

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