577 Confusing people’s minds

Xiao Tianyu said: "Yes, I used poison."

Chen Haodao: "When I first entered Dali, I felt a strange fragrance permeating the air. This fragrance can confuse people's minds and make people drowsy. Moreover, your body is highly poisonous. This... The poison is invisible and can only be smelled through the nose and tongue, am I right?"

"Uh!" After hearing Chen Hao's words, Xiao Tianyu couldn't help being stunned. He indeed winked at Chen Hao's guards before he stepped into the Dali Palace and moved them all elsewhere.

"How...how did you find out?" Xiao Tianyu asked in confusion.

Chen Hao smiled lightly and said: "It's very simple, your poisons have no effect on me, I am Alchemist857.

"It turns out to be Alchemist!" After hearing Chen Hao's words, Xiao Tianyu suddenly realized, and at the same time felt a little bitter in his heart. This Chen Hao's Alchemy Technique has actually reached the Soul Formation Realm world.

You must know that in the entire demon sect, there are only five or six masters in the Soul Formation Realm world. Two of them are women, and the remaining four are men. Only one is in the early stage of Soul Formation, and the other three are all Innate. The realm of perfection is just a thin line away from the Soul Formation Realm.

Although Chen Hao's cultivation level was one level lower than that of the Soul Formation Realm world, in Xiao Tianyu's eyes, it seemed to be several levels higher. He felt that he had no chance of winning against Chen Hao.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation. After all, he is the Saint Child of the Demon Cult. He has been influenced by the Demon Cult's canons since he was a child. In addition, his father Xiao Xuan is the top master of the Demon Cult. In his eyes, the whole No one in the Demon Sect is worth fearing.

But Chen Hao made him feel afraid.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "What, Brother Xiao, do you want to continue fighting with me?"

"Ahem!" Xiao Tianyu laughed dryly and said, "Well, Brother Chen, we have a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

Chen Hao said playfully: "Oh, what's the misunderstanding?"

Xiao Tianyu said awkwardly: "Actually, I am not the leader of the Demon Cult, I am just the young leader of the Demon Cult. Yang Lianting forced me to do all this. He threatened me that if I didn't help him eradicate Zhang Sanfeng, he would kill my parents. and my sister, and snatched the jade seal from their hands. I was forced to cooperate with him. "

"Yang Lianting is your brother-in-law?" Chen Hao seemed to have heard some clues.

Xiao Tianyu nodded and said: "Yes, we are childhood sweethearts. He once saved me, so I agreed to cooperate with him. I did not expect that he would betray the Demon Sect and collude with the court.

"Haha!" Chen Hao chuckled and said, "Did Brother Xiao tell me how you contacted me?"

"Uh!" Xiao Tianyu was stunned for a moment and said: "This... This, actually not many people know our contact information. Except for the core members of the Demon Cult, the rest don't know it at all."

Chen Hao smiled faintly and said, "Then you can tell me where the place they agreed is?"

Xiao Tianyu smiled and said: "Actually, the place they agreed on is not far away. It's in a secluded alley in the south of the city. I don't know which room it is in. I overheard these things."

"So you eavesdropped on other people's corners. No wonder your martial arts are not very good." Chen Hao gave him a look of disdain. .

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