555 is heavy!

In comparison, the faces of Qiao Feng and others looked a little heavy!

Although they don't know Chuchenzi, they can also see that Chuchenzi's strength is not simple, and it is not that easy to deal with!

"I'm afraid this Chuchenzi's strength is not simple!" Qiao Feng murmured to himself, his expression a little solemn.

"Brother Qiao, is Li Yuntian not in danger?" A'Zhu asked worriedly.

She doesn't want anything to happen to Li Yuntian. After all, Li Yuntian is standing up for Ah Zi this time. If anything happens to Li Yuntian, she will definitely feel guilty!

"Don't worry, my second brother is not that fragile. Even if this Chuchenzi is stronger than my second brother, he can't easily do anything to my second brother!" Qiao Feng comforted.

07 After a pause, Qiao Feng said again, "Besides, isn't there me? As long as I'm here to watch, my second brother will be fine!"

He is Li Yuntian's sworn brother and is much stronger than Li Yuntian. If Li Yuntian is in danger, he will save Li Yuntian as soon as possible and never let Li Yuntian get into an accident!

Hearing this, A'Zhu felt a little at ease!

She still believes in Qiao Feng's strength. After all, Qiao Feng is one of the top masters in the martial arts world. Except for those old monsters who have never been born, few people can threaten Qiao Feng.

Although the Xingxiu Sect is powerful, the only one among the Xingxiu Sect that can threaten Qiao Feng is Ding Chunqiu, the leader of the Xingxiu Sect.

Unfortunately, Ding Chunqiu did not come this time!

Without Ding Chunqiu, the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect would naturally not be Qiao Feng's opponents.

"No! The second senior brother has taken action!" Azi's expression changed, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Chuchenzi is the second senior brother of Xingxiu Sect. He is extremely powerful, second only to Zhaixingzi!

Azi once competed with Chuchenzi, but in the end, she was completely defeated in front of Chuchenzi. She was no match for Chuchenzi at all!

Although Li Yuntian is strong, it's hard to say whether he can deal with Chuchenzi!

If Li Yuntian is not Chuchenzi's opponent, there will be trouble!

Soon, Chuchenzi came to Li Yuntian.

"Boy, you can defeat Mo Yunzi, which is considered a bit of strength! But your good luck ends here, I won't give you another chance, just die!" Chuchenzi said coldly.

After saying that, Chuchenzi took action boldly, and every time he took action, it was a killing move, showing no mercy!

Li Yuntian did not underestimate Chu Chenzi. Even though Chu Chenzi was not tall and short in stature, Chu Chenzi was still very strong!

What Chuchenzi is best at is the "Bone Transforming Cotton Palm". The "Bone Transforming Cotton Palm" is a very sinister palm technique. The person who hits the palm will not feel anything at first, but after a period of time, the power of the palm will There will be an attack, the bones will be broken 393 inches, it is impossible to prevent, and in the end he will be tortured and die!

Chuchenzi has gained a place in the Xingxiu Sect with his "Bone Transforming Palm", and his strength is second only to Zhaixingzi!

If Chuchenzi's realm is not as good as that of Zhaixingzi, it's really hard to say who is stronger or weaker between him and Zhaixingzi!

Seeing Chuchenzi take action, Li Yuntian was no longer polite and started to attack him as soon as he saw it!

The two fought for more than ten rounds, and no one could win against the other!

"Damn it, this kid is indeed immune to poison!" Chuchenzi cursed secretly.

He has been testing whether Li Yuntian can really be immune to the poisonous skills of their Xingxiu sect. .

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