549 The whereabouts of the divine tree king tripod

Zhaixingzi and others immediately focused their attention on Li Yuntian and the others.

"Who are you? Is the sacred tree king tripod of our Xingxiu sect on your body?" Zhai Xingzi asked.

Li Yuntian glanced at Zhai Xingzi and admitted generously, "You are right, the Divine Wood King Cauldron is indeed on us. As for who we are, you don't even know, so why would Seventy-Ninety bother to inquire?"

Seeing Li Yuntian admit it, Zhai Xingzi and others were all impressed!

They came to the Central Plains this time just for the sacred wooden king tripod. Now, how could they not be excited when they learned about the whereabouts of the sacred wooden king tripod?

"Boys, no matter who you are, the Divine Wood King Cauldron is the treasure of our Xingxiu Sect. I hope you can return it!" Zhaixingzi said loudly.

He was not in a hurry to take action against Li Yuntian and the others. It would be best if he could win without a fight!

If we can't reach an agreement, it's not too late to take action again!

Anyway, Li Yuntian and others have been blocked in the restaurant, and they have no chance to escape!

They are not worried that Li Yuntian and others can escape!

"Yes, yes, boy, you should have heard of the name of our Xingxiu sect, right? If you don't want to offend the Xingxiu sect, then take the initiative to hand over the sacred tree king tripod. Don't force us to do it. If we do, people will die." !" Chuchenzi threatened in a dark tone, not taking Li Yuntian and the others seriously at all.

"Hand over the Divine Tree King Cauldron? That is impossible! No matter whether the Divine Tree King Cauldron is the treasure of your Xingxiu Sect or not, since it falls into our hands, it is our treasure. If you want it, then come and grab it. As long as you have this With the strength, I can take back the Divine Wood King Cauldron at any time!" Li Yuntian shook his head and said.

Of course he will not hand over the Divine Wood King Cauldron. Let alone the Divine Wood King Cauldron is not on them at all. Even if it is, he will not hand it over!

The treasure that falls into their hands belongs to them. It is wishful thinking to expect them to hand it over!

As soon as these words came out, Zhai Xingzi and the others' expressions darkened, with murderous intent evident on their faces!

"Boy, you really don't have to drink wine as a penalty! Don't think that just because you defeated Junior Brother Lion-nosed Man, Junior Brother Lion-Nosed Man's martial arts can only be said to be average among the Xingxiu Sect, and is stronger than him. Martial Artists are everywhere!" Zhaixingzi said coldly...

He thought that Li Yuntian and the others had defeated the lion-nosed people and were full of confidence, so they did not plan to return the sacred wooden king tripod!

"Elder brother is right, boy, don't be shameless. We didn't take action right away, so we have already given you a lot of face. If you are wise, you can take the initiative to hand over the divine tree king tripod and don't force us to go on a killing spree! "Chuchenzi agreed, his whole body filled with murderous aura.

"Of course I know that you Xingxiu Sect disciples are very strong, but so what? If you want the Divine Wood King Cauldron, come and get it yourself. As long as you have a strength of 5.8, you can take it back at any time. But if you don't have the strength, you can take it back. , I advise you to forget it, it’s better to go back to wherever you came from, don’t waste time here!” Li Yuntian remained unmoved.

He said calmly.

"Okay, okay, boy, you have the guts! You are the first person who dares to yell at us since I came to the Central Plains. I think you must have some strength.

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