535 toxin

Once contaminated with this toxin, the whole body will become ulcerated and suppurated, which is likely to be a disaster.

Even she, a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect, would not dare to be contaminated by such a powerful poison. But Li Yuntian actually dared to take the initiative to contaminate it. How audacious!

"Even if someone with this surname wants to die, he can't be contaminated with the poison on the claws of the Three Yin Centipede, right?" Ah Zi cursed secretly and hurriedly searched for the antidote pills on her body to see if there was any that could detoxify the centipede poison.

Disciples of the Xingxiu Sect are not only proficient in poisoning, but also proficient in detoxification!

Because when they are poisoned, they themselves will sometimes be infected. If there is no antidote, they themselves will be unlucky!

Therefore, the disciples of Xingxiu Sect will be equipped with special detoxifying pills to dissolve toxins.

Different detoxification pills have different curative effects!

Some Jiedu pills are specifically designed to detoxify snake venom, some are specifically designed to detoxify centipede venom, and some are specifically designed to detoxify spider venom.

So far, there is no detoxifying pill that can detoxify all poisons!

Therefore, Xingxiu Sect disciples will have a large amount of detoxifying pills on their bodies to deal with various emergencies.

"Idiot! You actually dare to fight against my Three Yin Centipede Claws with your bare hands. You are really looking for death!" the lion-nosed man said with a mocking look on his face.

His Three Yin Centipede's claws are extremely poisonous. Although it is not as powerful as the Hedinghong whose blood seals its throat, it is not far behind!

If Li Yuntian is accidentally contaminated with the poison above, he will definitely be in danger!

Li Yuntian didn't explain that although the centipede poison was powerful, it couldn't do anything to him!

He has a body that is invulnerable to all poisons, and the poisons from the Xingxiu Sect cannot harm him at all!

Perhaps, Ding Chunqiu's power transformation method can threaten him!

But unfortunately, Ding Chunqiu is not here!

Without Ding Chunqiu, what does Li Yuntian have to be afraid of?

Li Yuntian did not listen to the advice of Qiao Feng and others and took out weapons, but still used his bare hands to meet the lion-nosed man's three-yin centipede claws!

"It's over! It's over! I'm afraid the second brother is going to suffer now! It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let the second brother go into battle. The second brother is still too young. If I take action myself, there will definitely be no accidents!" Que Feng said with a look on his face! Surround yourself.

He regretted not stopping Li Yuntian and letting Li Yuntian fight!

If he stops Li Yuntian, Li Yuntian will definitely not be in danger this time!

It's a pity that it's too late to regret now, we can't turn back time!

A'Zhu on the side couldn't help but close his eyes, not wanting to see the scene of Li Yuntian being poisoned.

"Li Yuntian, I'm sorry, it was our sisters who harmed you. If anything happens to you, we will take care of you for the rest of your life!" A'Zhu murmured to himself.

"Lin, what are you trying to do by saying you're fine? Do you think you're my brother-in-law? Fortunately, I have an antidote to centipede poison. It's no problem to save your life. I hope you won't be disabled!" Ah Zi! complained.

"Haha, this kid is really an idiot! His friends persuaded him to take out weapons, but he ignored them. That's all. Since he is bent on seeking death, I have no reason not to help him!" the lion-nosed man laughed.

If Li Yuntian takes out his weapon, maybe it can still be in his hands and he can hold on for a few more moves!

Trying to fight against his Three Yin Centipede Claws with bare hands is just looking for death!

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