527 selfish

Qiao Feng actually asked her to return the sacred wooden king tripod. Isn't this too cowardly?

"Whether I am your brother-in-law or not, you cannot steal anything. The Divine Wood King Cauldron is your master's treasure, and it is not your own treasure. How can you take it as your own? Don't you think it is too selfish to do so? Qiao Feng shook his head and said.

"Impossible! I worked so hard to steal the sacred wooden king tripod. If you just want me to return it, wouldn't my work be in vain?" Ah Zi flatly refused.

She will never return the sacred wooden king tripod. Since the sacred wooden king tripod was stolen by her, it is her treasure and no one can take it away.

Seeing Azi's resolute attitude, Feng looked helpless!

"Fellow Daoist, you have also seen that Ah Zi is unwilling to return it. If the sacred wood king tripod is not too important, why not leave it with Ah Zi temporarily, and then I will let her return it when she is no longer interested? "Qiao Feng discussed.

"No, she must hand over the sacred wood king tripod today. If she doesn't hand over the sacred wood king tripod, I will never let her leave!" The lion-nosed man refused!

"Isn't it just a cauldron? Do you value it so much? Besides, it's not like Ah Zi won't return it. When she loses interest, I promise to let her return the original thing!" Qiao Feng said nonchalantly 0

He couldn't understand why the Xingxiu Sect valued the sacred tree king tripod so much!

Isn't it just a tripod?

It’s not some (ahdc) powerful martial arts secret book, why do you value it so much?

"What do you know? The secret of the power transformation method is recorded on the sacred wooden king tripod..." The lion-nosed man retorted subconsciously. In the middle of the sentence, he suddenly realized that he had let something slip and hurriedly stopped.

The great method of transforming energy?

Upon hearing these four words, Qiao Feng's expression changed and his heart was shocked.

I have never heard of the famous name of Huigong Dafa!

This is a domineering poisonous technique that can forcibly remove the internal energy in other people's bodies. Ding Chunqiu relies on this powerful poison technique to dominate the martial arts world and is unrivaled!

If the divine wood king tripod really records the method of transforming energy, it would definitely be a priceless treasure!

Qiao Feng now finally knows why the Xingxiu Sect attaches so much importance to the Divine Wood King Cauldron. It turns out that it actually records the secret of the great method of transforming energy!

Huigong Dafa can definitely be regarded as an Apex Level martial arts. Ding Chunqiu, the leader of Xingxiu Sect, relies on this martial arts to dominate the martial arts world and no one dares to offend him.

Although Qigong Dafa is very powerful, Qiao Feng is not interested at all!

He is not a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect and has never learned any poison skills. Even if you give him the power transformation method, it will be of no use!

Moreover, he doesn’t know how to practice such an evil technique!

Qiao Feng has always been upright and upright. He will only practice those decent techniques and those evil and crooked techniques. He has no interest in it!

However, since the Divine Wood King Cauldron contains the secret of the power transformation method, the Xingxiu Sect will not let the Divine Wood King Cauldron spread out under any circumstances.

Otherwise, it might be difficult for Ding Chunqiu to use the power-transforming method to cause trouble!

If Azi doesn’t return the sacred wooden king tripod, the Xingxiu Sect will never give up!

Even if Qiao Feng drives away the lion-nosed man in front of him, there will still be a steady stream of Earth Star disciples coming to cause trouble for Ah Zi.

Qiao Feng still wants to find the leader, but he doesn't have time to waste on these Xingxiu Sect disciples.

"Azi, if you still think of me as your brother-in-law.

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