510 murderous

Only she and Bai Shijing knew about the fact that she had Shixiang Ecstasy on her body, and the others knew nothing about it. She didn't know how Azi knew this secret, which made her very uneasy!

"I don't want to repeat what I said a second time, hand over the Ten Fragrance Ecstasy Powder, or die!" A'Zi's face turned cold and he said with murderous intent.

"Little sister, I have used up the Shixiang Ecstasy Powder and I don't have any left in my body. If you want to get the Ten Fragrance Ecstasy Powder from me, I'm afraid it's impossible!" Kang Min shook his head.


She was telling the truth, she only had one copy of Shixiang Ecstasy, and it was Bai Shijing who managed to get one!

After much hard work, Tuan got the Ten Fragrance Ecstasy Powder from Bai Shijing.

07 However, Shi Xiang Ecstasy Powder has already been used by her, and it was used on Duan Zhengchun.

"Bitch, you really don't want to drink wine as a penalty. Since you don't want to hand over the Shixiang Ecstasy Powder, then I will let you try my methods. Little darlings, come out and have a snack!" Azi Said coldly.

After saying that, he saw several centipedes, spiders, scorpions, and snakes suddenly crawling out of Azi's body, and then quickly crawled towards Kang Min.


Kang Min was startled and screamed!

She didn't expect that such an innocent and lovely girl like Ah Zi would have so many poisons on her body.

Kang Min instinctively wanted to run away, but unfortunately, her legs were weak from fear and she couldn't run at all.

After those centipedes, spiders, scorpions and snakes climbed onto Kang Min, they immediately started biting at Kang Min.

For a time, the skin on Kang Min's body swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, not to mention how ugly it looked.

After giving Kang Min a lesson, Ah Zi hurriedly took back the poison with a move of his hand.

It's not the time to kill Kang Min now. It won't be too late to kill Kang Min after he gets Shixiang's Ecstasy Powder.

"Bitch, have you taken it? If you have taken it, hand over the Ten Fragrance Ecstasy Powder!" Azi looked down at Kang Min condescendingly and said viciously.

"Woman, I've really run out of Ten Fragrant Ecstasy Powder. If you don't believe me, search for it yourself!" Kang Min looked at Ah Zi with fearful eyes, as if he was looking at a devil.

Ever since he was young, Kang Min has never been afraid of anyone. Even when facing those martial arts masters, Kang Min was not afraid at all!

But when facing Azi, a quirky little girl, Kang Min was really afraid!

Ah Zi obviously looks innocent, harmless to humans and animals, and has nothing to do with evil. However, who would have thought that Ah Zi would actually raise five poisons such as scorpions, centipedes, and spiders?

Moreover, if they disagree with each other, Ah Zi will release five poisons, bite Kang Min, and torture Kang Min until he rolls around!

Kang 690 Min has grown up so big, how could he have suffered such a big sin? Don’t mention how wronged he is!

"Oh? Have you really used it up? What use do you have?" Azi said coldly.

She has no sympathy for Kang Min at all. Who makes Kang Min evil-minded and disorderly?

A bitch like Kang Min should be executed and should not live in this world.

While talking, Azi picked up the dagger Kang Min left on the ground and played with it in front of Kang Min. Kang Min was so frightened that he peed his pants.

"Bitch, you are so disgusting. You peed your pants in public. Do you think you are still an ignorant little brat?"

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