508 Dali Dynasty

The surrounding Tubo tribes have been eyeing the Dali Dynasty and want to annex the Dali Dynasty. If it were not for the fear of the Song Dynasty, the Tubo tribe would have sent troops to Dali long ago!

Although the Beggar Gang is just a beggar force, it has a large number of gangs. Once the Beggar Gang chooses to become an enemy of the Dali Dynasty, it will definitely make the situation of the Dali Dynasty worse!

Duan Zhengchun didn't want to implicate the Dali Dynasty because of himself.

"Miner, if you want to kill me, I have no complaints. I have indeed failed you, but I hope that you will not implicate the Dali Dynasty. I will bear the responsibility for the mistakes I made alone. There is no need to implicate innocent people!" Duan Zhengchun Couldn't help but say.

"Mr. Duan, are you scared?" Kang Min asked jokingly with a charming smile.

"Min'er, just think I'm scared! If you want to kill me, just stab the knife into my heart, but I hope you won't anger the Dali Dynasty!" Duan Zhengchun said softly.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the mighty and powerful Prince Duan would be afraid one day!" Kang Min mocked.

Duan Zhengchun didn't say anything. He didn't want to anger Kang Min. Kang Min was a lunatic. If he angered Kang Min, Kang Min might do something crazy.

"Mr. Duan, please beg me. As long as you beg me well and make me happy, I will join the Li Dynasty!" Kang Min said arrogantly.

Duan Zhengchun's face darkened and he looked very ugly!

No matter what he said, he was also a grown man. If he was asked to ask Kang Min, he wouldn't be able to open his mouth!

"What? Can't you open your mouth? Duan Lang, you have to think clearly. If you don't ask me for help, I will blame Bai Shijing's death on you. When the time comes, not only will you be unlucky, but also the people you are in will be unlucky. The Dali Dynasty will also be in trouble!" Kang Min threatened.

She just wants to trample on Duan Zhengchun's self-esteem. The harder Duan Zhengchun's self-esteem is trampled on by her, the happier she will be!

"Min'er, you can't kill without a nod. Don't you think that what you did is a little too much? We have had our own experience at least. I hope you don't go too far!" Duan Zhengchun said with burning eyes.

It was impossible for him to beg Kang Min. He was also a shameless person, and it was impossible for Kang Min to trample on his own self-esteem.

If he did this, he would look down upon himself!

0......Please give me flowers......

"Duan Lang, you have the nerve to mention it before. If you hadn't let me down, how could I retaliate against you? Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. As long as you beg me, I promise not to touch the Dali Dynasty.

But if you refuse, I swear that I will destroy the Dali Dynasty in my lifetime!" Kang Min said with crazy eyes.

"You!" Duan Zhengchun was shaking with anger!

He didn't expect that Kang Min was so vicious. If he had known that Kang Min was this kind of person, he shouldn't have had anything to do with Kang Min in the first place.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret now, we can't turn back time!

The angrier Duan Zhengchun gets, the more excited Kang Min becomes!

She likes to see others struggling in front of her, which gives her a perverted pleasure.

"How about it? Mr. Duan, have you thought it through? Remember, you only have one chance. If you miss it, it's gone!" Kang Min said jokingly.

Duan Zhengchun was struggling. He really didn't want to beg Kang Min for mercy, but he was afraid that if he didn't do so, he would bring trouble to the Dali Dynasty.


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