503 Injustice!

"What? I don't know him? Since he doesn't know him, why are you looking for that man in black?" A'Zhu looked confused.

She thought that Qiao Feng knew the man in black, so she wanted to find him.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Feng didn't know the man in black at all. Since he didn't know him, why did he go to find the man in black?

"He killed Ma Dayuan, the deputy leader of the Beggar Clan, and put the blame on me. I want to catch him and clear away the grievances on me! -" Qiao Feng explained.

Upon hearing this, A'Zhu was also angry!

"What? Is this man in black so hateful? Brother Qiao, I support you, arrest him quickly!" A'Zhu said angrily.

"Brother, don't be impulsive. Just because the man in black knows how to choke and grapple, it doesn't mean that he is the murderer of Ma Dayuan. If he really killed Ma Dayuan, why did he use the choke and grapple in public? This is not obvious to everyone, Did he kill Ma Dayuan? I don't think the man in black would be so stupid. As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a monster. I think we should not be impulsive and continue reading. Maybe the real murderer is someone else? " Li Yuntian dissuaded.

Qiao Feng didn't know who killed Ma Dayuan, but Li Yuntian knew it clearly!

Ma Dayuan's death had nothing to do with the man in black. There was someone else who killed Ma Dayuan!

The man in black appeared this time to reveal the real culprit who killed Ma Dayuan and clear Qiao Feng's suspicion.

In other words, the man in black is here to help Qiao Feng this time, not to harm him!

"What a pity the hearts of parents in the world!" Li Yuntian sighed with emotion.

Although the man in black is mysterious, he cannot hide it from Li Yuntian.

The man in black who suddenly appeared was none other than Qiao Feng's biological father, Xiao Yuanshan.

Although Xiao Yuanshan was forced to jump off the cliff, he did not die and survived by luck.

Xiao Yuanshan, who survived, did not choose to commit suicide again, but chose revenge.

Over the years, Xiao Yuanshan has been tracing the identity of the leading brother, but the leading brother has hidden it so deeply that it has still not been investigated!

However, Xiao Yuanshan is already sure that the leading brother is hiding in the Shaolin Temple. As for who it is, Xiao Yuanshan is not sure yet.

0......Please give me flowers......

His biggest wish in this life is to find out the leader, kill him, and avenge his wife!

The reason why Xiao Yuanshan appeared here was entirely because he followed Qiao Feng.

Xiao Yuanshan knew Qiao Feng's character well and knew that it was impossible for him to kill Ma Dayuan!

There was definitely someone else who killed Ma Dayuan!


Xiao Yuanshan suddenly appeared in order to clear the suspicion on Qiao Feng and wanted to do something for Qiao Feng to make up for it.

Of course, Li Yuntian will not tell Qiao Feng this!

Qiao Feng was surprised when he heard Li Yuntian's words!

He also thought that the man in black was the murderer of Ma Dayuan, but now it seems that things are not as simple as he thought!

"Second brother, are you sure that the man in black is not the murderer of Ma Dayuan? He used the choke hold. This martial arts is Ma Dayuan's unique skill. Apart from Ma Dayuan's martial arts, only the murderer has mastered it. Martial arts, if the man in black is not the murderer, how can he know this martial arts?" Qiao Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Brother, I am a master of the martial arts of chokehold and grasping hand.

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