498 didn’t take action rashly!

But the strange thing is that A'Zhu has no intention of taking action!

AhZi instinctively felt that something was wrong and did not take action rashly!

"Hmph, my sister doesn't care about my uncle's safety. Why should I, my sister, care about it?" Ah Zi snorted coldly, put away the silver needle in her hand, and decided to wait and see what would happen.

She concluded that once Duan Zhengchun's life was in danger, A'Zhu and the others would definitely rescue Duan Zhengchun immediately. She did not need to worry about Duan Zhengchun's safety at all.

The scene returns to the house.

Kang Min took the dagger and approached Duan Zhengchun step by step, and soon came to Duan Zhengchun.

"Duan Lang, don't be afraid, I won't kill you so quickly! Do you know? In fact, I originally wanted to bite you to death, but I was worried that making too much noise would attract the attention of your subordinates. , So, I changed my mind and decided to use a dagger to open a half-inch wound on your chest. Don't worry, it won't kill you directly, but I will stick the dagger in it if someone comes to save you. , I can kill you with just one bump on the hilt of the knife!" Kang Min patted Duan Zhengchun's handsome face with the dagger and said jokingly.

After saying that, Kang Min directly cut open Duan Zhengchun's clothes with a dagger, and then stabbed the tip of the knife in, leaving a half-inch wound on it.

This scene made A'Zhu very nervous. If Kang Min hadn't stated in advance, she would have only left a half-inch wound on Duan Zhengchun's chest and would not have directly killed Duan Zhengchun.

A'Zhu might have already taken action!

Duan Zhengchun's face turned pale. However, he did not accuse Kang Min. Instead, he joked, "Min'er, your jade fingers are more rounded than they were seventeen years ago. If we say that seventeen years ago, you were still a delicate You are a young girl, you are young and lovely, so now you are a young woman who still has charm, and is even more charming and charming. I really love you to death!"

"You damn ghost, even when you are about to die, you still don't forget your sweet words. Unfortunately, I am no longer the ignorant girl I was before, and I will not be easily deceived by you!" Kang Min shook his head.


"Min'er, I didn't lie to you! Everything I said is true. If you don't believe me, put your ear on my chest and listen to my heartbeat!" Duan Zhengchun explained hurriedly.


Kang Min actually put his ear on Duan Zhengchun's chest and listened to Duan Zhengchun's heartbeat.

I found that Duan Zhengchun's heartbeat was indeed beating very fast, and I couldn't help but feel soft in my heart!

"How is it? Min'er, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Duan Zhengchun asked.


Anyone who is held close to Kang Min, a beauty as delicate as jade, may not be able to help but feel his heart beat faster and his breathing become rapid!

"Damn it, your heart is indeed beating very fast, but if it's not because of me, then I don't know! Maybe you're worried that I'll find out about your lie, and maybe you're nervous!" Kang Min shook his head and said.

She finally strengthened her attitude. Since she decided to destroy Duan Zhengchun, she would not change her mind midway!

"Hmph, you are so romantic when death is imminent, why doesn't Kang Min stab him to death!" Seeing that Duan Zhengchun was still thinking of talking sweetly to Kang Min at this time, A'Zhu was very dissatisfied and snorted coldly and said unhappily.

Li Yuntian and Qiao Feng looked at each other, both speechless!

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