487 Beggars Gang

Moreover, he is already married to Ma Dayuan, the deputy leader of the Beggar Clan, so how could he be content with Duan Zhengchun?

But later, after in-depth investigation, Qin Hongmian discovered that Kang Min had been hooking up with Duan Zhengchun before they got married. Even after they got married, the two of them were inseparable and kept in contact. Qin Hongmian was so angry that he became angry at that time. Calling him a bitch, he wanted to rush to the Beggar Clan and chop Kang Min into pieces.

Hearing this, Ruan Xingzhu suddenly realized!

She had a hunch that Duan Zhengchun might have gone to Kang Min's place. The reason was simple. Kang Min lived not far from Xiaojing Lake, only a few dozen kilometers away.

Since Duan Zhengchun can come to Ruan Xingzhu, there is no reason not to go to Kang Min.

Ruan Xingzhu had heard that Kang Min's husband Ma Dayuan was dead and Kang Min was lonely now. With Duan Zhengchun's flirtatious mind, he would not let go of the opportunity to have a tryst with Kang Min.

As long as they go to Kang Min's residence, they will definitely find Duan Zhengchun.

Thinking of this, Ruan Xingzhu immediately said, "Sister Qin, let's go find Kang Min first!"

"Why?" Qin Hongmian asked puzzledly.

She talked about so many confidantes and didn't understand why Ruan Xingzhu wanted to go to Kang Min first.

"Sister Qin, Kang Min lives dozens of kilometers away from me and is the closest to me. We will check on Kang Min first. After checking on Kang Min, we will check on other confidantes." Ruan Xing (ahbf) Zhu explained.

She did not tell Qin Hongmian her guess. After all, it was just her guess. What if she guessed wrong?

Qin Hongmian is a moody person, and Ruan Xingzhu doesn't want to anger Qin Hongmian!

Qin Hongmian nodded, but didn’t think much about it!

After the goal was determined, Qin Hongmian and Ruan Xingzhu set off immediately!

Li Yuntian and Qiao Feng followed closely behind. Although they didn't know what Qin Hongmian and Ruan Xingzhu said or where they were going, they followed them immediately.

"Li Yuntian, won't the Shura Sword be harmful to my mother? Where is she going to take my mother?" A'Zhu asked worriedly.

Ever since she learned that Qin Hongmian was the famous Shura Sword, she had been very worried about Qin Hongmian and worried that Qin Hongmian would hurt Ruan Xingzhu.

"A'Zhu, don't worry, Qin Hongmian won't do anything to your mother. If she really wanted to hurt your mother, she would have killed her long ago!" Li Yuntian consoled her.

Qiao Feng and A'Zhu didn't know where Qin Hongmian and Ruan Xingzhu were going, but Li Yuntian knew it all.

Ruan Xingzhu and Qin Hongmian were going to find Kang Min this time. They suspected that Duan Zhengchun was with Kang Min.

I have to say that women’s intuition is still very accurate!

"Yes, A'Zhu, don't worry, aren't there still us? Even if the Shura Sword is going to harm your mother, I will rescue your mother as soon as possible and never let your mother be harmed in the slightest!" Qiao Feng agreed. .

Hearing this, A'Zhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

She cares and becomes chaotic. With Qiao Feng here, even if the Shura Sword wants to commit murder, there is absolutely no chance of succeeding!

Thinking of this, A'Zhu suddenly became less worried!

The three of them followed Qin Hongmian and Ruan Xingzhu quietly without being noticed by them!

In addition to the three Li Yuntian, another person also followed quietly.

The person who followed me was none other than Ah Zi!

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