481 Safety

They don't need to worry about Duan Zhengchun's safety at all.

"Yes! Mom, my dad was fine yesterday, why is he missing today? Could it be that the four evil men took him away?" A'Zhu asked in panic.

She never thought that Duan Zhengchun left on his own initiative. She thought that the four evil men came back and secretly abducted Duan Zhengchun while they were not paying attention!

Thinking of this, A'Zhu hated the four evil people so much!

Before Ruan Xingzhu could reply, Azi couldn't help but interjected, "What was taken away? The uncle obviously left by himself, what are you worried about here?"

Don't forget, A'zi is a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect and has raised a lot of poisonous things. These poisonous things lie dormant during the day and emerge at night, and their spiritual sense is very sharp.

Duan Zhengchun left quietly, hiding it from everyone except Ah Zi.

However, Azi didn't stop it!

She had a very bad impression of Duan Zhengchun and wished Duan Zhengchun would leave as soon as possible.

"What? You said dad left on his own? Why did he leave quietly? Why didn't you tell us beforehand?[?" A'Zhu was taken aback, and asked questions in succession like a barrage of questions.

"How do I know why he left without saying goodbye? I'm not the roundworm in his belly!" Ah Zi was speechless.

"Then why didn't you stop him?" A'Zhu said anxiously.

"Why should I stop him? His legs are on his body. If he wants to leave, then just leave. Why should I stop him? If you can stop him for a while, you can stop him for a lifetime!" Azi said nonchalantly.

"You put it lightly, what will mom do if he leaves?" A'Zhu said angrily.

"Mom, don't you still have us? Can't we live without him?" Azi rolled her eyes.

"Okay, please stop saying a few words!" A'Zhu glared at A'Zi.

Ruan Xingzhu was already sad enough, but Ah Zi was still here making sarcastic remarks.

"Mom, are you okay?" A'Zhu put his arms around Ruan Xingzhu's shoulders and asked worriedly.

She was very dissatisfied with Duan Zhengchun and didn't understand why Duan Zhengchun left without saying goodbye!

Even if Duan Zhengchun had something urgent to leave, he should have told them. How could he leave without saying a word? This is too irresponsible!

Ruan Xingzhu shook his head, forced a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

She didn't want A'Zhu and A'Zi to worry, but she was still very sad!

Duan Zhengchun clearly agreed that he would always be with her and they would never be separated again!

The result was not good, after one night, Duan Zhengchun left without saying goodbye and bought it!

Just like when Duan Zhengchun left her, this made her very sad!

Sure enough, the situation is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Duan Zhengchun is still the same heartless man as before, so she should not believe Duan Zhengchun's words.

After figuring out Duan Zhengchun's whereabouts, everyone dispersed!

Ruan Xingzhu was in a bad mood, so he wandered around Xiao (Li Liao's) Jinghu Lake.

Unexpectedly, there was a leak in the house and it rained all night. When Ruan Xingzhu was feeling depressed, Qin Hongmian and Mu Wanqing came to kill him with the Shura Sword.

Qin Hongmian had already reconciled with Duan Zhengchun and looked forward to growing old together with Duan Zhengchun.

As a result, not long after, Duan Zhengchun left without saying goodbye again, which made Qin Hongmian very angry!

Qin Hongmian believed that Duan Zhengchun's sudden departure must have something to do with those confidantes.

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