470 Take the lead, big brother

"No, you are wrong again! Duan Zhengchun has never acquiesced. He is the leader. I know that the eldest brother tested Duan Zhengchun's identity before. At that time, Duan Zhengchun admitted that he had done many wrong things in his life, but that does not mean, He is the eldest brother who takes the lead. This is a misunderstanding. At that time, what Duan Zhengchun wanted to express was that he had been a romantic person in his life and owed a lot of emotional debt. He felt guilty in his heart. Brother had misunderstood!" Li Yuntian explained.

"Is it really a misunderstanding? You don't mean to say good things for Duan Zhengchun, do you?" A'Zhu couldn't help but ask.

She also hopes that this is a misunderstanding, but is there really such a coincidence in this world?

A'Zhu suspected that Li Yuntian might have said this deliberately to prevent her from going to die. She would not be easily fooled!

Li Yuntian also knew that A'Zhu would not believe his words easily, but Li Yuntian was not panic at all. He was already prepared for this.

"A'Zhu, I know that you may not believe what I say, but everything I say is true! If you don't believe it, we can go to Prince Duan now and confront him face to face. When the time comes, you will know what I said. Is it true or false?" Li Yuntian said righteously.

Upon hearing that Li Yuntian said that he wanted to confront Duan Zhengchun, A'Zhu instinctively resisted.

She didn't want Duan Zhengchun to know about this matter. If Duan Zhengchun knew about it, he would definitely stop her!

By then, Duan Zhengchun will be in danger!

A'Zhu did all this just to save Duan Zhengchun. If something happened to Duan Zhengchun, wouldn't her work be in vain?

Seemingly guessing A'Zhu's thoughts, Li Yuntian said, "You don't have to worry about Prince Duan's safety. This matter was originally a misunderstanding. As long as it is explained clearly, Prince Duan will definitely not be in danger. You believe me!"

Hearing this, A'Zhu's attitude became a little relaxed. If this was really just a misunderstanding, it meant that Duan Zhengchun was not the leader.

Since Duan Zhengchun is not the leader, Qiao Feng will naturally not cause trouble for Duan Zhengchun!

The one who killed Qiao Feng's parents was the eldest brother. Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Even if Qiao Feng wanted to take revenge, he would only seek revenge from his eldest brother and would not vent his anger on others!

Seeing this, Li Yuntian struck while the iron was hot, "A'Zhu, why are you hesitating? Don't you want to be with your eldest brother anymore? You guys finally got together, are you willing to be separated like this?"

As soon as these words came out, they hit A'Zhu's weakness.

A'Zhu no longer insisted, nodded immediately, and agreed to go with Li Yuntian to confront Duan Zhengchun.

Soon, they arrived at Duan Zhengchun's wing.

Li Yuntian took the initiative and knocked on the door.

Duan Zhengchun had already gone to bed with Ruan Xingzhu at 7:80. After experiencing a big battle today, Duan Zhengchun was very tired, so he went to bed early under Ruan Xingzhu's care.

As a result, when I was sleeping peacefully, I was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door.

"Who?" Duan Zhengchun asked impatiently.

"Uncle Duan, it's me, Li Yuntian!" Li Yuntian responded.

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Lin. It's so late, why aren't you sleeping? Do you want to see me for something?" Duan Zhengchun's attitude improved instantly and he asked in a gentle tone.

Li Yuntian was a good friend of his son Duan Yu and had saved Duan Yu's life. Duan Zhengchun had a good impression of Li Yuntian.


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