448 The power of a battle!

Yun Zhonghe agreed without saying a word.

The South China Sea Crocodile God also knows that he alone is no match for Li Yuntian. Only by joining forces with Ye Erniang and Yun Zhonghe can he be able to fight Li Yuntian!

Although I don’t want to bully the minority with more, I can’t help the South China Sea Crocodile God now!

They are the four evil people, and the face of the four evil people cannot be lost. If they cannot defeat Li Yuntian, the face of the four evil people will be greatly lost!

The South China Sea Crocodile God nodded!

"Take action!" Seeing that both the South China Sea Crocodile God and Yun Zhonghe agreed to her proposal, Ye Erniang immediately gave the order.

As soon as he finished speaking, the three of them took action and besieged Li Yuntian!

The Crocodile God of the South China Sea practices hard Qigong and is invulnerable. He is responsible for the main attack.

Although Ye Erniang was strong, her weapons were taken away by Li Yuntian. Without the weapons, Ye Erniang's strength was greatly reduced. Naturally, she had no choice but to go head-to-head with Li Yuntian.

Fortunately, Ye Erniang is also proficient in hidden weapons. Even without weapons, she can use hidden weapons to sneak attack Li Yuntian and restrain Ji Yuntian.

As for Yun Zhonghe, Yun Zhonghe is the weakest among the four villains. His strongest skill is Qinggong, which can step on the snow without leaving a trace. He can only use Qinggong to harass Li Yuntian and distract Li Yuntian.

The three people have a clear division of labor. They attack Li Yuntian from three directions and are bound to defeat Li Yuntian!

Facing the siege of three people, Li Yuntian was not afraid!

In the face of absolute strength, there is no difference at all when there are more people and fewer people!

"Well done!" Li Yuntian's eyes lit up, he advanced instead of retreating, and took the initiative to greet him.

In an instant, several people were fighting together, and the battle was very fierce.

"Shameless! The four villains are too shameless, aren't they? Three people bully one person, and if the news spreads, they are not afraid of being laughed at!" Seeing Ye Erniang and the others besieging Li Yuntian, Ruan Xingzhu's face changed greatly, and he couldn't help but scolded .

The four villains are really despicable. If it were a fair fight, Ruan Xingzhu would naturally not say anything!

Is it too bullying to use more people to fight less people?

Although Li Yuntian is powerful, it is impossible for him to deal with one person alone, right?

Ruan Xingzhu was worried that Li Yuntian was in danger, so he stepped forward to help as soon as possible.

Although she is not very strong, being able to contain someone can also reduce the pressure on Li Yuntian!

0......Please give me flowers......

"Three against one? Isn't this too shameless? Now, I'm afraid this kid will suffer a loss!" Azi looked gloating!

Of course Ah Zi wouldn't miss such a lively scene [he immediately wanted to kick it!

"Despicable! The four villains are too despicable, aren't they? They are also famous figures in the martial arts world for a long time. How can they bully others with more people?" A'Zhu said angrily.



Previously, A'Zhu looked happy when he saw Li Yuntian defeating Ye Erniang and three others.

I never expected that Ye Erniang and the others were so despicable. They were no match for Li Yuntian on their own, so they planned to join forces to deal with Li Yuntian.

How could Yuntian be a match for three second-rate Martial Artists against Li Yuntian?

Is this too bullying?

A'Zhu really wanted to go up and help, but her strength was too weak. With her current strength, after going up, not only would she not be able to help, but she would actually be a drag on Li Yuntian.

A'Zhu doesn't want to cause trouble to Li Yuntian!

Even Qiao Feng frowned, somewhat unhappy!

Obviously, he also felt that Ye Erniang and the others had gone too far this time. How could there be more people bullying less people?

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