You know, her short sword is a precious sword, and she spent a lot of money to make it!

You know, Ye Erniang's strength is very strong, even among the four evil people.

Sun Erniang glared at Yun Zhonghe fiercely. She couldn't tell that Yun Zhonghe was laughing at her. Not to mention how angry she was in her heart!

Seeing this scene, Ruan Xingzhu was stunned!

"Sun Erniang, are you okay?" Yun Zhonghe rushed up to him immediately and asked gloatingly.

"You are looking for death!" Sun Erniang was furious!

Both of them looked ugly. After all, they were well-known figures in the martial arts world, but they stumbled in front of a little-known figure like Li Yuntian. If word got out, where would their reputation go?

Seeing Ye Erniang getting angry, Yun Zhonghe didn't dare to provoke Ye Erniang anymore!


442 A lot of cost

There is no way she would let Li Yuntian take away her dagger. Without the dagger, her strength would be greatly reduced!

"Ye Erniang, why are you angry at me? It's not me who hurt you. If you have the ability, just hit you back. Don't take it out on me. I (ahfg) am not a punching bag!" Yun Zhonghe didn't. Said angrily.

Sun Erniang took action boldly and punched Li Yuntian.

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Ye Erniang rolled her eyes.

Ye Erniang got angry, but it was terrible!

She even had her weapons taken away by Li Yuntian. Without weapons, her strength would be greatly reduced and she would not be able to threaten Li Yuntian at all.

"Why? Sun Erniang, although these 633 daggers belong to you, they are now my trophies. There is no way I can return them to you. You must give up!" Li Yuntian shook his head and said.

Of course Li Yuntian will not return the dagger to Sun Erniang. It is his trophy. Since it is a trophy, it is naturally impossible to return it to Sun Erniang!



There were two soft sounds, and Li Yuntian's palm slapped Sun Erniang's fist firmly.

If she loses her short sword, Sun Erniang's strength will be greatly reduced!

The next second, I saw Sun Erniang's body flying out like a kite with its string broken.

Ye Erniang wanted to fight back, but the key point was that her dagger was taken away by Li Yuntian. Without her weapon, how could she be Li Yuntian's opponent?

"Sun Erniang, why are you glaring at me? I told you earlier that that kid is not easy. Even if you get in, you won't be his match. You don't believe it. Now, you should believe it, right?" Yun Zhonghe said with a smile.

Weapons were all taken away?

It was with this short sword that Sun Erniang gained a huge reputation in the martial arts world.

Yun Zhonghe once made Ye Erniang angry, and was caught and beaten to death by Ye Erniang. If Duan Yanqing hadn't intervened in the middle, Yun Zhonghe would have been beaten to death by Ye Erniang long ago!

"Go away, don't bother me here!" Ye Erniang scolded unceremoniously.

If Sun Erniang wants the dagger, then take it back from Li Yuntian. If you can't take it back, then it's Li Yuntian's fault!

"Ye Erniang, what should we do now?" Yun Zhonghe asked.

Even Ye Erniang was defeated?

"Sir Yun, I'm in a bad mood. If you dare to talk too much again, be careful, I'll tear your mouth apart!" Ye Erniang said sternly.

Li Yuntian was happy and unafraid, and used both palms to attack Sun Erniang.

How does Ye Erniang know and what should she do?

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