413 laughing stock

If this spreads out, Duan Zhengchun will definitely become the laughing stock of the entire martial arts world.

Li Yuntian has no sympathy at all for this!

Who would have thought that AhZi would be so bold and attack Duan Zhengchun right after he was freed? This made Duan Zhengchun extremely angry!

As long as Duan Zhengchun can be shot, Duan Zhengchun will definitely die!

The guards around him were masters trained by the Duan family in Dali with great difficulty. Unexpectedly, they died in mysterious circumstances!

Many people were shot with silver needles and cried out in embarrassment on the spot!

Even though Ah Zi is still a little girl, he still has to teach Ah Zi a profound lesson!

Duan Zhengchun escaped Ah Zi's sneak attack with a silver needle, but Duan Zhengchun's guards were not so lucky!

Ah Zi glared at Qiao Feng. If Qiao Feng hadn't reminded him, Duan Zhengchun would never have been able to dodge her flying needle sneak attack so easily.

Now the father and daughter are fighting each other, Duan Zhengchun is entirely to blame!

In particular, Qiao Feng also warned him in advance that with Duan Zhengchun's strength, he could definitely avoid it!

This is why she wanted to jump into the lake to save Azi.

"Save people, Brother Qiao, save people quickly. "I don't want that sister to die!" A'Zhu said hurriedly.

He really didn't want to save Ah Zi. If Ah Zi didn't die, he might still risk her life!

As long as Ah Zi is not stupid, she will not easily provoke him!

Sure enough, Azi's silver needle aimed at Duan Zhengchun failed!

Duan Zhengchun said nothing and hit Ah Zi with a palm.

Qiao Feng frowned. He had a very bad impression of Ah Zi, especially after seeing Ah Zi's life. His impression of Ah Zi became even worse!

Even so, Duan Zhengchun was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat!

Ah Zi's complexion changed drastically. She thought her silver needle could hit Duan Zhengchun.

Duan Zhengchun used his Yang Finger to save several guards, but many of them were still hit.

"A'Zhu, you don't want to die. Have you forgotten that you can't swim?" Qiao Feng stopped A'Zhu and didn't let him jump into the lake.

Unexpectedly, Duan Zhengchun actually escaped.

The next second, I saw Ah Zi flying out and falling heavily into the lake.

"A'Zhu, that girl is not a good person. She treats human life as nothing. If I guess correctly, she should be a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect in the Western Regions. Each of the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect is more vicious than the last."

This is all Duan Zhengchun's fault. If he hadn't been so romantic, how could he have so many illegitimate daughters?

Qiao Feng ruined her affairs, which made her resent Qiao Feng even more.

Li Yuntian was not worried about Duan Zhengchun's safety. Duan Zhengchun was a second-rate master. Even if Ah Zi attacked at close range, it would be difficult for Duan Zhengchun to get hit.

Before Ah Zi could think about it, Duan Zhengchun slapped Ah Zi with his palm.

He never thought that Ah Zi would attack her secretly. After all, he was at a higher level than Ah Zi and was protected by guards.

0……Please give me flowers…………

If he had known that Ah Zi was so stubborn, he would not have let Ah Zi off easily just now.

I don’t know why, but when I saw Ah Zi being beaten and flying into the lake, Ah Zhu suddenly felt her heart hurt, as if she was about to lose a relative.

"Witch, you are seeking death!" Duan Zhengchun was furious!

How could this make Duan Zhengchun not angry!

This is very bad for her!

"Sister!" A'Zhu screamed and immediately jumped into the lake to save A'Zi.

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