408 Anger

But Azi was already on guard against this move, and she threw the fishing rod dozens of feet away.

"If you don't save me, I won't save you. Do you think I care about you saving me?" Azi curled her lips and said.

Azi didn't know whether she was nervous or something, but suddenly her foot slipped and she fell to the ground.

In a real fight, the fisherman may not be Ah Zi's opponent.

At such a long distance, even if a fisherman jumped into the lake to catch it, the fishing rod would have already sunk to the bottom and would be impossible to find!

He wanted to give Ah Zi a lesson. Only in this way could he vent the anger in his heart.

The unlucky one in the end must be the fisherman, not Ah Zi!

Seeing this scene, A'Zhu felt nervous and stepped forward to help.

She had noticed Qiao Feng and the others a long time ago, but just ignored them. Now, the fisherman was trying to harm her, and Azi suddenly ran behind Qiao Feng, hoping that Qiao Feng and the others could help.

Azi fell down on purpose. She did this just to plot against the fisherman.

The fisherman could still struggle a few times at first, but as the net shrank smaller and smaller, the fisherman could no longer struggle and was firmly locked in the net. .

"It's okay? She fell down, how could she be okay?" A'Zhu didn't believe it!

This net-shaped hidden weapon is very magical. After wrapping the fisherman, it will automatically tighten. The more he struggles, the tighter the net will shrink!

"Wild girl, you are looking for death!" The fisherman was furious and reached out to grab Ah Zi's shoulder.

The fisherman would never have thought that Ah Zi would be so cunning. He was caught off guard and was immediately caught by a hidden mesh weapon.

Li Yuntian on the side also looked calm, not worried at all that A Zi would be in danger.

Even though Ah Zi looks harmless and innocent, she is actually more sinister than anyone else.

Hearing this, Azi's expression changed. She didn't expect that Qiao Feng and the others actually saw her cutting the fishing line with a hidden weapon. No wonder the three of them were indifferent.

Seeing that Qiao Feng and the others were motionless, Ah Zi became a little anxious!

After saying that, Azi suddenly ran away into the distance.

"Heroes, didn't you see that someone was bullying a weak woman? How could you not save her?" Azi said.

Anyone who underestimates Ah Zi will definitely suffer a big loss!

"A'Zhu, don't worry, that girl is fine!" Qiao Feng suddenly stopped A'Zhu.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Azi suddenly threw a net-shaped hidden weapon at the fisherman.

Qiao Feng and the others didn't take action. They had already seen that this girl A'Zi was very quirky. Even though she pretended to be weak, she was actually quite strong.

"Weak woman? You are not a weak woman. Your hidden weapon is always on target and can cut fishing lines. With your strength, we don't need to save you!" Qiao Feng said lightly.

"Witch, where are you escaping!" The fisherman chased after her.

"A'Zhu, don't worry, you'll understand after reading it!" Qiao Feng did not explain.

Sure enough, when he saw Ah Zi falling, the fisherman jumped on her.

Although A'Zhu didn't know what kind of medicine Qiao Feng was selling in his gourd, he still decided to trust Qiao Feng and did not step forward.

He was teased in every possible way by Ah Zi, and he was filled with anger, and wanted to teach Ah Zi a lesson no matter what.

Although A'Zi is quirky and makes fun of the fisherman, the crime is not fatal. A'Zhu doesn't want A'Zi to be bullied.

0......Please give me flowers......


"Help!" Ah Zi shouted for help and rushed towards Qiao Feng and the others.

Although this fisherman has some strength, he still has a long way to go before he wants to teach Ah Zi a lesson!

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