A location in Cihang Jingzhai.

Bi Xiuxin is dealing with things and preparing to deliver the news to Zen.

"I don't know where the Yingui faction's army has arrived?"

"I hope the information will not be intercepted."

After Bi Xiuxin wrote the note, she put it into the small cork, and then took the flying pigeon aside.

She quickly tied the information to Fei Ge's feet.

"This is a flying pigeon that I, Cihang Jingzhai, carefully raised. Even a strong Celestial Phenomenon would find it difficult to find and capture it.

"There should be no problems along the way."

Looking at the carrier pigeon in her hand, Bi Xiuxin murmured to herself.


She moved her slender hands and threw out the letter in her hand.


The homing pigeon flapped its wings a few times and flew away quickly.


Just when the homing pigeon had just flown dozens of meters.

"call out!"

Not far away, there was a whistling sound.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he saw a ray of light from a flying sword, instantly hitting the carrier pigeon's body.

The homing pigeon that was flying into the sky was directly hit.

The next moment, he fell to the ground.

"There are enemies!"

This situation.

Bi Xiuxin's pupils shrank suddenly.

She immediately became alert.

This is also the time.


A figure appeared beside Bi Xiuxin out of thin air.

Then, with lightning speed, he tapped Bi Xiuxin's body parts a few times.

"Puff puff!"

After a few muffled sounds.

Bi Xiuxin was completely motionless, stunned and unable to speak.

It is clear.

Her acupuncture points were tapped directly.

Bi Xiuxin's eyes could still move, and she was looking at the figure that appeared.

Zhu Yuyan's existence was soon discovered.

There is also the concubine Xuan in Zhu Yuyan’s hand.

Seeing this scene, Bi Xiu felt as if her heart had been hit hard, and she was stunned and stunned.

His face was pale and despairing.

She herself was easily controlled, and Shi Feixuan was also caught.

This shows how powerful Zhu Yuyan and the other three are.

"Why, why didn't the mountain-protecting formation trigger?"

"And Shi Feixuan, how come you were caught?"

"And this Li Yuntian, why is he moving at such a terrifying speed that even I can't react?"

Zhu Yuyan nodded: "In this case, it's time for us to go to the main hall and capture Fan Qinghui alive!"

Now both women have been controlled, unable to move or make a sound.

As long as the enemy has the combat power of three celestial beings (ahfd), forget it.

Then the body moved and disappeared.

And Fan Qinghui is the ultimate level of land immortal.

After Bi Xiuxin and Shi Feixuan heard this, their faces looked extremely anxious and frightened.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuyan smiled and said, "You don't have to worry."

"And Na'ehuang is also a powerful person in heaven and man!"

"Cihang Jingzhai, it's over!!"

Zhu Yuyan moved her right hand and grabbed Bi Xiuxin.

"She is in the main hall and she doesn't know anything yet."

"In this way, it is equivalent to the attack of three powerful celestial beings, but they still entered the interior of Cihang Jingzhai silently."

So I could only stare in worry and fear.

Because once Fan Qinghui is captured alive, Cihang Jingzhai will really be destroyed.

The only leader left!

"Shi Feixuan and I were both captured alive, and we haven't been found yet!"

Just when Bi Xiuxin was desperate and colorless.

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "Basically all the disciples outside Cihang Jingzhai were captured alive."

"Now the only disciples left around the hall are Fan Qinghui inside the hall."

She held Shi Feixuan in her left hand and Bi Xiuxin in her right hand.

"Soon, I will ask Fan Qinghui to accompany you!"

"As a result, Cihang Jingzhai's combat power is reduced to Qinghui alone.

That is to say.

As she thought about it, Bi Xiuxin's face showed a look of despair.

Faced with the attack of the three heavenly beings, even if they have the foundation, they are absolutely powerless.

As he spoke, Zhu Yuyan's eyes sparkled.

Zhu Yuyan arrived quickly with Shi Fei Xuan in hand.

"Bi Xiuxin was also captured alive!"

Zhu Yuyan's face showed a look of success.


After she saw Bi Xiuxin being captured alive, she immediately beamed.

Two of the three masters in Cihang Jingzhai have been captured alive.

After saying that.

Upon seeing this, Li Yuntian and E Huang quickly disappeared and headed to Cihang Jingzhai's main hall.

He was able to sneak in quietly and capture himself and his concubine Xuan alive.

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