Comprehensive Martial Arts: My Understanding Is Incredible, I Created The Dragon Magic Skill

291. Looking Forward To It! The Power Of Thunder And Lightning?

On the big tree.

Ehuang and Zhu Yuyan quickly noticed Li Yuntian's situation.

I saw Li Yuntian stopped suddenly and looked excited.

The two women immediately understood that the fusion was successful.

Ehuang was very happy: "It seems that Yuntian succeeded."

"I just don't know what kind of technique you have created?"

Zhu Yuyan also said happily: "Let's go over there and ask about it and we'll find out."

"Okay!" Ehuang nodded.

The two women were just about to leave and go to Li Yuntian's side.

But this time!


Li Yuntian suddenly summoned a 100-meter giant dragon, roaring towards the two women.

The two women were stunned at first.

But I soon understood.

"Yuntian is testing his power!"

Zhu Yuyan said immediately.

But Ehuang's expression changed slightly.

"The power of this roaring dragon is comparable to that of the middle stage of heavenly beings?"

"The skills performed by Yuntian are absolutely powerful."

"Resist together!"

Seeing this, the two women quickly took action and used their moves.

The two celestial beings' initial bombardment attacked the wooden dragon roaring over.


There was a violent collision and a loud noise.

The powerful shock wave directly destroyed hundreds of meters around it.


Li Yuntian moved his hand and defeated the shock wave spreading towards him.

Then his eyes were full of surprise.

"As expected of magic!"

"This power is several times stronger."

His own attack actually defeated the joint attacks of Zhu Yuyan and Ehuang.

That is to say.

He alone can deal with two strong early-stage Heavenly beings.

This result makes Li Yuntian extremely satisfied.

"When my cultivation level improves, I will definitely be in the middle stage of being proud of the gods."

“I feel like it’s almost here, the Land Fairy Late Stage is not far away.

Li Yuntian's heart was filled with anticipation.

It feels like his cultivation level may be about to reach a breakthrough in these days.



At this moment.

Zhu Yuyan and Ehuang came over quickly.

At the same time a voice of surprise shouted.

The two women came to Li Yuntian's side, their eyes shining.

Ehuang exclaimed: "Yuntian, your attack just now defeated the two of us together, and your strength has increased again.

Zhu Yuyan also said: "Yuntian, it is possible that I am no longer your opponent now."

? Li Yuntian smiled and said: "That was just a successful creation of the Kung Fu, relying on the power of the Kung Fu."

Upon hearing this, Ehuang's beautiful eyes lit up and he immediately asked: "Yuntian, what kind of skills have you created?"

Zhu Yuyan also showed anticipation and curiosity.

Li Yuntian didn't hide anything, and said with a smile: "I created an immortal skill through fusion!"

"What?" The two women were startled and their faces were astonishingly beautiful.

"Have you actually mastered a magical skill?"

Ehuang swallowed his throat and murmured: "Then what is this magic called?"

Li Yuntian raised his eyes and said seriously: "Five Elements Immortal Technique!"

"After practicing, you can control the elements between heaven and earth at will, and even create other moves and elemental abilities."

"for example!"

As he spoke, Li Yuntian's eyes flashed.

"Thunder and lightning!!"


He learned from the Five Elements Immortal Technique that he could create thunder and lightning.


Not yet.

But if it is a thunder and lightning attack, it will be multiplied several times and people will be killed directly.

"`"It's actually the power of thunder and lightning?"

The thunder and lightning in Zongwu Continent is not as low-end and weak as the thunder and lightning in the previous life.

Normal attacks can only slightly injure people.

Equivalent to!

This is the terrifying thunder and lightning that contains the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

You can imagine how shocked and horrified it was!

The thunder and lightning in Zongwu Continent contains the first level of heaven and earth essence.

If Li Yuntian uses his thunder and lightning ability when fighting with others, anyone who sees him will run away.

That is to say.

"I estimate that you need to reach the Dacheng level to be able to initially control the power of thunder and lightning."

Immortal magic, the magic of immortals.

Controlling lightning, with the same power, can cause several times more damage to people.

It is normal to control the power of thunder and lightning.

And it's not the thunder and lightning of the legendary Immortal World, but the thunder and lightning of Zongwu Continent.

Because the Five Elements Immortal Art is a form of immortal music!

Li Yuntian shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "That will happen in the future. Now I am not proficient enough in the Five Elements Immortal Technique to control the power of thunder and lightning."

If Li Yuntian really controlled the thunder and lightning, he could easily deal with the mid-level Celestial Beings with the power of thunder and lightning.

Now Ehuang heard the skills Li Yuntian created, and he might be able to control thunder and lightning.

Zhu Yuyan was also stunned and stunned on the spot.

"The legendary thunder?"

"Yuntian, from now on, we will become even more powerful and terrifying when we fight across levels."

Above Innate, it has the advantage.


The power and situation of the two are naturally different.

Thunder and lightning are guns, while other attacks are like swords.

In fact, Li Yuntian was not surprised at all.

Because being attacked by lightning, the power and damage caused are many times more powerful than a normal bombardment.

"The power of thunder and lightning?"

After hearing this (Li Wang Zhao).

The thunder and lightning in Immortal World contain the legendary immortal energy.

The thunder and lightning in Zongwu Continent contains the essence of heaven and earth.

Only when his proficiency level increases and he tries it out can he get the power of thunder and lightning.

In terms of power, it truly belongs to the Earth Level category.

Ehuang's lips opened wide, her face full of shock.

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