for a long time.

"Brother-in-law, you are so awesome!"

The female concubine risked her admiration for the little star and was filled with admiration.

Looking at his sister-in-law who was like a little girl, Li Yuntian couldn't laugh or cry.

He moved his lips slightly and continued: "Although Sunset Valley was destroyed, I got a lot of good things in it."

"In addition to the corpse of the Monster Black Scale Snake, which is the ultimate land fairy, there are also many rare Spirit Medicines.

While talking.

Li Yuntian moved his right hand and opened another package.

Show the six purple cloud grasses inside.

"This is?"

Ehuang Liu frowned slightly, thinking slightly.

After one breath.

Her eyes lit up and she recognized Spirit Medicine.

"Is this purple cloud grass?"

"A kind of Spirit Medicine that has powerful marrow-cleansing and bone-breaking effects compared to the Immortal Bamboo and Six Eight Seven?"

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "Yes, it is Yun.

"And there are still six!"

"I found these in the medicine garden of Sunset Valley."

"With these six strains of purple cloud grass, I am confident that I can refine more than eight bottles of Transcendent Level potion."

"When the time comes, we can raise our qualifications to the level of monsters."

"Evil qualifications?" Upon hearing this, the two women were stunned.

?The female concubine exclaimed: "With the qualifications of an evildoer, can't I also break through the realm of heaven and man?"

There was a look of desire on her face.

My sister has always been a powerful person.

Brother-in-law Li Yuntian will definitely be a powerful person in the future.

Even the current combat power is already on par with Human Level.

But her female mistress only has the Late Stage cultivation level of a land god.

The difference is huge.

The female concubine also yearns for a more powerful realm of heaven and human beings, and catches up with the two of them.

But unfortunately, the realm of heaven and man is too difficult.

Even if her qualifications are raised to the level of a top genius, she still doesn't dare to covet the realm of heaven and human beings.

Because top talent is only a stepping stone to the realm of heaven and man.

Although the monster's qualifications may not necessarily lead to a breakthrough into the realm of heaven and man, the success rate is increased several times.

Let her see hope!

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "The qualifications of an evildoer only increase the probability of breaking through to heaven and man, but they do not necessarily guarantee that one will break through to heaven and man."

The female concubine was still very excited: "Brother-in-law, what Spirit Medicine is needed to make the medicine? I will exchange it for you immediately.

Li Yuntian was silent for a moment after hearing this.

He looked at E Huang with some helplessness.

"What's wrong?"

Ehuang noticed it and asked with concern.

Li Yuntian thought for a moment and did not hide anything: "The matter of refining the medicine was exchanged because of the contract.

"And wait a minute, I want to go over to Dongjun Palace to refine it there.

"By the way, help Concubine Yan detoxify."


Emperor E and the concubine were both stunned.

Ehuang frowned slightly and said: "Concubine Yan and Da Siming, do you know your refining ability?"

"They didn't do anything to hurt you, right?"

The female concubine was confused and said: "Brother-in-law, you just said that Concubine Yan was poisoned?"

"What happened to you over there in Sunset Valley?"

"Yes!" Ehuang responded.

"Yuntian, judging from your demeanor, I always feel that something is wrong with you.

"Especially Concubine Yan, she was poisoned?"

Li Yuntian shook his head slightly and said: "We are in Sunset Valley, nothing happened."

"But after I came out, a series of things happened that shouldn't have happened."

"Here's the thing."


Li Yuntian truthfully informed E Huang about his relationship with Da Siming and Yan Fei.

After hearing this, Emperor E and the female concubine opened their lips and looked shocked.

The female concubine was stunned and murmured to herself: "Brother-in-law, you, you actually slept with Concubine Yan?"

"Master Yan Fei, that is a big shot with a cold and noble temperament."

"She is a Transcendent Level expert in the middle stage of Heavenly Being. She is the number two figure in our Yin Yang family."

"She actually lost her virginity to you!"

My sister became Li Yuntian's woman, and my mistress thought it was normal.....

Because before, Ehuang was in the middle stage of cultivation as a land immortal, but later he came into contact with Li Yuntian and developed feelings for him.

?After that, he made successive breakthroughs and reached the heavenly beings.

This is based on feelings.

But Concubine Yan!

From the very beginning, he was in the middle stage of cultivation as a heavenly being!

She also became Li Yuntian's woman.

The female concubine felt that her brother-in-law was really powerful.

In particular, Concubine Yan has always been a supreme figure in her mind.

Such a noble woman has actually fallen!

"And still with Da Siming?"

The female concubine blinked and looked at Li Yuntian.

"Brother-in-law, how on earth did you do it?"

"Ms. Concubine Yan, I actually lost my virginity to you!"

Ehuang was also shocked.

After the shock.

She looked at Li Yuntian and joked: "Yuntian, looking at you going out this time, you are the biggest winner.

"Even Concubine Yan was admitted to the school by you."

Emperor E had always not cared that Li Yuntian had many women.

What's more, the woman this time is not ordinary.

But her top guy!!

Even she admires and yearns for Concubine Dongjun Yan!

Li Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly on 3.8 days, and said: "This matter is really a mistake.

"And the relationship between me and the two women is temporarily unclear."

"They still can't accept me and the fact that I have so many confidantes."

"Anyway, give me some time and wait slowly."

Upon hearing this, Ehuang smiled and said: "Yuntian, your charm and ability are here.

"Master Yan Fei and Da Siming will definitely not be able to escape."

Ehuang clearly knew how good Li Yuntian was.

And she doesn't know all the abilities now.

She believes it!

The two daughters, Da Siming and Yan Fei, will also fall sooner or later.

Will also accept Li Yuntian and become a part of the sisters.

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