“The True Qi in my body is strong and it is difficult to break through.

"This jade fruit has no effect on me."

"Put it away first for the mistress and others to use."

Tap tap tap!

at this time.

Footsteps sounded.

At the same time, Concubine Yan’s smart voice came over.

"Li Yuntian, was the breakthrough successful?"

? Her eyes lit up and she asked immediately.

Li Yuntian looked over and responded slightly: "Successful breakthrough!"

"Congratulations!" Concubine Yan stepped forward and said.

Then, she looked at the formation position in front of her.

"I just don't know how long it will take for Da Siming to break through?"

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "It shouldn't take long."

"We are not in a hurry, let's wait here slowly."?

"Yeah!" Concubine Yan nodded. "Two One Zero"

A quarter of an hour later.


A tyrannical momentum came from the formation.

It was obvious that Da Siming had made a breakthrough.


Concubine Yan's eyes lit up.

Li Yuntian nodded and said with a smile: "The breakthrough was successful."

"Let's go in and take a look."

The words fell.

He grabbed Concubine Yan's arm and ducked inside.

Once inside.

Then he saw Da Siming over there and stood up.

Her face was full of joy.

"Master Yan Fei, Li Yuntian, I successfully broke through the limit of land gods.

Her body moved quickly.

"Now that I'm strong enough, I should be able to roam freely in the medicine garden."

"Even if you encounter the blood wolf spider that Li Yuntian mentioned, you can still compete with it or even defeat it."

"Okay!" Concubine Yan said: "Da Si ordered you to break through the extreme power of land gods. We will be safer in Sunset Valley."

"Maybe I can even get the Heavenly Pearl at the core of my hand without me taking action later."


Li Yuntian's eyes moved.


From the moment he broke through to the middle stage of land immortality.

There was no need for Concubine Yan to take action.

Because of his fighting prowess, he has been married to Mei Tianren in his early stages.

Coupled with the ability to ignore formations, various skills, physical body, speed, etc.

He can get the Heavenly Pearl, the access to the core place, by himself.


Li Yuntian will not be exposed like this.

There is no need, it is better to hide one's own strength.

Da Siming and Concubine Yan are not his women, so they cannot expose all the secrets to them.

Li Yuntian thought for a while and said, "Let's go outside and continue exploring the medicine garden."

"After you finish exploring the medicine garden, it's not too late to head to the core.

Concubine Yan had no objection and said slightly: "This place has the land of Spirit Medicine and the jade fruit. w

"There should be good treasures in other places in the medicine garden."

"It's a rare visit, and I really can't leave like this."

"With our strength and ability, we can try to sweep away all the precious materials and treasures in the medicine garden."

Although the treasures of heaven and earth discovered now are of little help to Concubine Yan.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any in the medicine garden!

Maybe there will be some heaven-defying healing Holy Medicine, or some heaven-defying spiritual objects, etc.

Plus there's no rush to get to the core.

So naturally we can't just let go of the treasure land of Medicine Garden.


Li Yuntian took his two girls out to this Spirit Medicine land.

Appeared in the medicine garden.

Then follow the road and continue exploring.

All the way down.

Li Yuntian easily entered the spiritual formations one by one to check the situation.

Some of them have been completely destroyed, and Spirit Medicine has long since withered and died.

Some are ordinary Spirit Medicine, not even as good as the Great Grandmaster level [too lazy to pick it up.

Some of them, along with the formations, were destroyed, leaving them in ruins.

Rare Spirit Medicine also appears in some cases.

Healing Spirit Medicine that can be useful on the level of land gods.

In a deep zone.

Li Yuntian took Concubine Yan and Da Siming into a Spirit Medicine place protected by formations.

Once inside.

Look ahead.

Li Yuntian's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Purple cloud grass!"

"Peerless Spirit Medicine has the effect of cleansing the marrow and cutting bones.

But Concubine Yan didn't know that Li Yuntian had actually been promoted to top genius qualifications long ago.

This purple cloud grass can just improve his qualifications.

Li Yuntian immediately said: "Put these six purple cloud grasses here first."

Da Si Ming was overjoyed and said excitedly: "With top genius qualifications, I will be more confident in breaking through to the realm of heaven and man."

"It's still a long time!"

"Anyway, it's all thanks to you that we were able to get in here."

"Da Siming, I will help you refine the medicine pavilion."

Concubine Yan also lit up, her red lips opened slightly and said.

Li Yuntian saw five Spirit Medicine plants emitting purple light in the medicine garden.

He actually has the art of refining medicine that is not weaker than Xu Fu!

"This thing, after simple refining, can elevate your qualifications to the level of a top genius.

"At least in terms of marrow cleansing and Spirit Medicine, I am definitely better than him."

And there are six of them!”

When Concubine Yan heard this, her eyes moved and she looked at Li Yuntian: "You can actually make medicine?"

"My ability to refine medicine is pretty good."

This thing is exactly what he wanted, a genius treasure with the effect of cleaning marrow and cutting bones.

"I'm still thinking about handing it over to Xu Fu for refining after I go back?"

"My ability in refining medicine does not need to be inferior to that of Xu Fu."

Seeing how serious and confident Li Yuntian was, Da Siming nodded and said, "Then I'll leave it to you.

Li Yuntian smiled slightly: "It's better to leave it to me.

"Purple cloud grass?"

Purple cloud grass, simple refining, can improve the qualifications of top geniuses.

"Li Yuntian, Da Siming, you two are blessed!"

If it is given to Da Siming like this, it would be an absolute waste!

Da Siming's qualifications are only about those of a high-level genius.

Refined a Transcendent Level potion that can improve people's qualifications and enhance the level of monsters!

"I want to see if you have any other secrets?"

He must go through commissions and careful refining.

He just stared at Li Yuntian in surprise.

But how could it be possible for Li Yuntian to simply refine it?

Not far away.

Concubine Yan had no objection.

So he refined it and gave it to Da Siming.

Because she discovered another secret of Li Yuntian!

"Li Yuntian, I am more and more curious about you!"

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