Comprehensive Martial Arts: My Understanding Is Incredible, I Created The Dragon Magic Skill

231. Da Siming Was Dumbfounded: Am I Not As Good As Li Yuntian?


Concubine Yan and Da Siming walked side by side.

Concubine Yan glanced at Li Yuntian who was chasing behind her, and exclaimed: "Li Yuntian's speed can indeed be improved."

"The Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer is actually as fast as the mid-stage Celestial Immortal. It's very powerful.

Seeing this, Da Siming also nodded slightly, showing a look of wonder: "Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer, the speed is no less than the middle stage of the land immortal."

"Even in terms of strength, he is not as strong as the mid-term Land Immortal. He can easily evacuate with this speed.

"It seems Li Yuntian is really not that simple!"

"At least in terms of speed, it's not easy."

Concubine Yan's beautiful eyes lit up and she said, "I wonder how long he can maintain this speed?"

She looked at Da Siming and smiled: "Da Siming, how long do you think Li Yuntian can last?"

Da Siming thought for a while and said: "Li Yuntian has always been the Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer, and it has lasted for two hours.

"Now that the speed is soaring and the True Qi in his body is severely consumed, I think he can only last for half an hour at most.

"By then, the True Qi in his 07 body will be exhausted."

Concubine Yan originally agreed.

But somehow, she always felt that Li Yuntian was not simple.

And looking at Li Yuntian’s current pursuit, there is no serious consumption of True Qi.

Her eyes moved and she said, "I guess he can hold on for more than half an hour."

"As for the specific time, let's say an hour!"

Her guess was half an hour longer than that of Da Siming.

As for more than an hour, Concubine Yan didn't think Li Yuntian could do it.

Because Li Yuntian's cultivation level is there.

Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer, bursting the land fairy mid-term speed.

And kept moving forward for an hour.

This is definitely a monster!


Half an hour passed.

Da Siming noticed Li Yuntian and still followed him, neither slow nor fast, with ease.

She shook her head slightly and said, "It seems I lost!"

Concubine Yan on the side smiled slightly: "It seems I won."


An hour passed.

Concubine Yan’s smile stopped abruptly!

Because at this time, Li Yuntian could not only maintain the speed of the mid-term Land Immortal.

He still had the same breath, and he didn't look out of breath at all.

"I also lost!"

Seeing this, Concubine Yan opened her lips slightly, revealing a look of surprise.

Two hours of the initial speed of the Land Immortal, and one hour of the mid-term speed of the Land Immortal.

Li Yuntian persevered and acted with ease.

The True Qi on my body seems to be endless, and there is no serious consumption.

Concubine Yan's eyes narrowed and she said, "It seems we are all wrong."

"Judging from Li Yuntian's performance, it may not be a problem to maintain it for a few hours.

Da Siming nodded and said, "I really didn't expect that Li Yuntian's True Qi would be so strong."

Concubine Yan's eyes moved and she said, "I always feel that this is not Li Yuntian's fastest speed."

"He acted too relaxed and it was completely abnormal."

Da Siming also nodded: "I think so too.

"Lord Concubine Yan, how about we continue to speed up and continue testing?"

"Okay!" Concubine Yan's beautiful eyes lit up.


"This time, speed up the Land God Late Stage and see if Li Yuntian can catch up.

She didn't believe it anymore and had to test Li Yuntian's speed limit.

"call out!"

next moment.

Concubine Yan accelerated her body and stepped forward quickly.

When Da Siming saw this, he did the same thing.


A few hundred meters behind, Li Yuntian frowned slightly.

"Speed ​​up?"

"Is the speed of Land God Late Stage?"

"Okay, show off a little more!"

Li Yuntian thought for a while and made a decision.


His body flashed and accelerated.

He also exploded with the speed of the Land God Late Stage and chased away.

"Sure enough, there is still something hidden!"

In the front position, Concubine Yan's eyes sparkled when she saw this.

"Li Yuntian, Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer's cultivation is comparable to the speed of Land Immortal Late Stage, and it is well hidden.

Da Siming also showed a surprised look and said: "It's really surprising."

Li Yuntian's cultivation is the Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer!

If Li Yuntian was promoted to the same level of cultivation as her, wouldn't 373 be able to easily crush her as a great commander?

that's all.

"How long can Li Yuntian last this time?"

"Perhaps the speed of Land God Late Stage is not his limit?"

"Da Siming, continue to increase the speed and continue testing!"

Da Siming's body moved and he burst into peak speed.

Da Siming's beautiful eyes moved and he nodded: "Then continue to accelerate!"

“Li Yuntian, it’s true that he hides everything!”

"This is just the beginning, and it gave me such a big surprise!"

This shows that Li Yuntian can explode the speed of the land fairy Late Stage in the Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer.

at this time.

When Concubine Yan heard this, she shook her head slightly: "Compared with how long it lasts, I prefer Li Yuntian. Does Li Yuntian still hide his speed?"

"The speed of the land gods at their peak?"

To know!

?Seeing this, Li Yuntian behind him frowned slightly.

Concubine Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and she murmured, "Who knows?"

Da Siming looked at Li Yuntian behind him and his eyes jumped.

"But don't worry yet, we'll try it again after a while."

"Doesn't that mean the peak speed of land gods? The same speed as me?"

Da Siming's eyes paused when he heard this, and he said doubtfully: "The speed of the Land God Late Stage is not the limit?"

"Speed ​​up again?"

Li Yuntian can also match the explosive speed, isn't it the same as her?

Concubine Yan smiled and followed.

After half an hour of progress, Li Yuntian's speed was maintained, and True Qi showed no change.

And it's not short-term, but long-term.

In her heart, she actually felt afraid of Li Yuntian.

"I want to see if Li Yuntian can really win over me?"

When Da Siming heard this, he showed a look of belief.

"Li Yuntian, isn't he really such a monster?"

Concubine Yan looked at Da Siming with great interest.

Another half hour passed.

The words fell.

Concubine Yan's eyes were shining and she was full of interest.

Her cultivation is at the peak of land gods, and so is her speed.

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