
Concubine Yan's beautiful eyes moved, and she said faintly: "Li Yuntian, I will go out on a mission in a while, you come with me."

"What?" Li Yuntian was stunned.

"Lord Concubine Yan, should I go out with you? And perform a mission together?~"

"Not bad!" Concubine Yan nodded, her eyes flashing -.

Li Yuntian looked troubled and said: "But Lady Yan, my cultivation is the Third Layer of the Celestial Image.

"And your cultivation level is in the middle stage of heavenly being. How can I carry out a mission with you?"

"The enemy you encountered, if I participated in it, wouldn't I be sending myself to death?"

This is what makes Li Yuntian depressed.

When Concubine Yan goes out to perform a mission, the people involved must be strong men of the same level.

That is the level of gods and humans.

And Li Yuntian is the Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer, how can he participate in it?

If he were to go out on a mission with Concubine Yan, wouldn't he be risking his own death?

Concubine Yan shook her head slightly and said, "Don't worry!"

"This mission does not involve combat, and you will not encounter danger."

Hearing this, Yuntian breathed a sigh of relief.

But he breathed a sigh of relief, which did not mean that he followed Concubine Yan out for a reason.

Because if we follow him, a lot of his secrets may be exposed.

He still doesn’t know Concubine Yan’s purpose?

So it's best for Li Yuntian to stay away from her!

His eyes moved and his lips moved: "Ms. Concubine Yan, during this period of time, I want to practice in seclusion and try to break through the realm of land gods.

"So I'm afraid I don't have time to go out with you."

If you want to reject Concubine Yan, you must have a strong enough excuse.

He needs to practice in seclusion and break through to the level of land gods, which is just right.


Li Yuntian just finished speaking, but Concubine Yan smiled mysteriously.

She opened her red lips lightly and said, "No need to retreat!"

"As long as you follow me out this time, if the mission is complete, you can easily break through the land of immortals.

"It's much more reliable than retreating."

Li Yuntian was startled, and instinctively thought of continuing to refuse.

But this time.

Concubine Yan's face turned cold and she said, "Okay, this matter has been decided."

"In five days, remember to come to Dongjun Hall."

After saying that.

Concubine Yan moved her body and disappeared.


Li Yuntian looked at the empty hall and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

Concubine Yan had absolutely no plans to let him struggle. ?

"It seems that Concubine Yan is determined to ask me to follow her out."

Li Yuntian's eyes narrowed, showing confusion.

"But why is this?"?

"Could it be that my secret has been exposed?"?

"Such as ignoring formation abilities, etc.?"

Li Yuntian's thoughts flashed rapidly. ?

But after thinking for a moment, I had no clue.

"never mind!"

"all will be good."

"When the time comes to follow Concubine Yan, just be careful not to expose the secret.

Li Yuntian couldn't figure out the reason and was too lazy to continue thinking.

Anyway, the matter has been decided, and he can't struggle with his strength.


Li Yuntian walked out step by step.

After Li Yuntian walked up.

A figure flashed and appeared out of thin air.

It was Concubine Yan who had just left.

Concubine Yan looked outside, her eyes brightening.

His lips moved and he murmured softly.

"Li Yuntian seems to have some ability to crack the formation."

"This time we go out, we have to test it out."

Since he suspected that Ehuang and Li Yuntian had killed Xiangjun.

When Concubine Yan came back, she investigated Li Yuntian in detail.

After some investigation.

Some clues were quickly discovered.

Especially Li Yuntian often has some mysterious behavior!

For example, it appeared in Xiaoxiang Valley inexplicably.


Shortly after.

He inexplicably appeared in Lingyi's retreat, took the injured Lingyi out, and headed to Baiyue.

This situation obviously doesn’t make sense!

So Concubine Yan suspected that Li Ququ had a big secret.

It seems that he has the ability to ignore formations?

"The leader just asked me to investigate the death of Lord Xiang, but he didn't tell me why?"

"Then don't worry!"

"Wait until I figure out Li Yuntian's secret.

He was mumbling to himself, thoughtfully.

0…………Please give me flowers…


Saw Li Yuntian coming out.


Ehuang's beautiful eyes were filled with joy and she quickly stepped forward.


Lingyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah?" Lingyi was startled.

Now Lingyi is so obedient.

"Okay!" Ehuang nodded.

But her eyes were a bit resentful.

Hearing this, Lingyi looked at Ehuang and then at the girl.

Especially now, there is no real relationship between Ehuang and Li Yuntian.

But because my sister didn't care, she even welcomed Lingyi.

But this time.

Although there are only three people here, Lingyi is also an acquaintance.

Li Yuntian spoke, and Lingyi's figure froze.

"But for more specific matters, let's go back to Xiaoxiang Valley and talk about it."

The female prostitute originally wanted to call her brother-in-law, but she changed her words.

Li Yuntian continued: "Ling Yi, we are all our own people, there is no need to be too restrained."


She shook her head repeatedly, then looked at Li Yuntian and wanted to turn around and leave.

Li Yuntian shook his head and smiled: "It's okay."

The female prostitute on the side pursed her lips and said nothing.

She knew that something would definitely happen if her brother-in-law and Lingyi went out.

Then she looked at Lingyi aside, her eyes moved, and said: "Miss Lingyi, you can come too."

Going to Xiaoxiang Valley, she was still a little uncomfortable.

Then he seemed to have made a decision and nodded slightly: "Yes."

But partition walls have ears, so be careful.

The four of them headed back towards Xiaoxiang Valley.


Seeing Lingyi agree.


Emperor E showed concern.

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "Lingyi, come here too.

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "Let's go back to Xiaoxiang Valley together."


"No, I have something else to do, so I'll go back first."

The female prostitute had no choice but to accept it.

"Yuntian, are you okay?"

Ehuang's beautiful eyes lit up and she smiled.

This strangeness and emotion are already obvious.

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