1226Of course

It seems to be a matter of course.

"Haha! Did I hear correctly?"

"You still want to protect her? Who are you? Why do you protect her? Just because you are her boyfriend? Ridiculous!"

Liu Wentao and the others laughed sarcastically. Grandpa Liu Li turned blue and looked at Liu Li and said:

"Xiao Li, who is this little brother to you? Stop messing around and go home with Ai Tao!"

Liu Li shook his head and said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, I don't want to go back."

Lin Chen said: "If you go back this time, you will be completely cut off. I will not back down anymore. You must go back this time!"

His voice was firm.

Grandpa Liu Li sighed: "Little brother, this is an internal matter of my Liu family, you really can't help!"

Lin Chen said: "No, I can help."

"Oh?" Grandpa Liu Li was stunned.

People around him also looked at Lin Chen with some confusion. Liu Wentao sneered and said, "How can you help?"

Lin Chen smiled, picked up the silver knife and fork on the table, divided the remaining fish on the plate into two, and handed it to Liu Li and Grandpa Liu Li each.

Liu Li took the fish, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, showed a satisfied expression, and then said:

"Lin Chen said, his cooking skills are far better than my grandfather!"

"Ha ha!"

Liu Wentao and other relatives of the Liu family burst into laughter and looked at Lin Chen as if they were looking at a fool. The waiter on the side even covered his mouth and sneered.

Grandpa Liu Li shook his head and smiled bitterly, feeling a little helpless. He thought Lin Chen was talking nonsense, but he couldn't say much.

In his opinion, when Liu Li is looking for a boyfriend, she naturally wants to find someone more powerful. Lin Chen, who is young, dressed in rags, and looks ordinary, is not worthy of his precious granddaughter.

However, since the other party was willing to be shameless, he didn't bother to care about it. This granddaughter wouldn't have the same surname as him anyway.

Liu Wentao stared at Lin Chen and sneered: "You said you are better than my grandfather, do you have any evidence?"

Lin Chen shrugged, "No evidence."

He really had no evidence. Although he knew about Grandpa Liu Li's cooking skills, he had never seen it before.

Moreover, so what if he had evidence, he was not Liu Li and could not order the other party to go back.

Grandpa Liu Li's expression changed. He didn't expect that Lin Chen didn't even have anything to prove. His impression of Lin Chen was a little worse. How could such a poor guy be worthy of his precious granddaughter?

He looked at Lin Chen and said in a deep voice: "Young man, I advise you not to be brave. If you can really beat Wen Tao, then stay and have a meal with us. If you lose, leave here immediately. !”

Liu Wentao said angrily: "If you don't dare to gamble, just say it, why are you pretending to be a bitch? You look so poor, and you want to eat swan meat like a toad, it's really ridiculous!"

The others nodded in agreement.

"Uncle Liu, don't worry. I will never let such a person taint my sister!" Liu Li pulled Lin Chen's clothes and said solemnly to Grandpa Liu Li.

"Okay, since you are so confident, then I will wait until you beat him before letting you go! I would like to see how you are going to beat me!"

Liu Wentao sneered repeatedly, looked at Liu Li aside and said, "Xiao Li, please don't cry.

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