1213 Disaster

He thought for a moment and said, "Is that guy named Lin Chen the one who beat Wang Desheng into a pig's head yesterday?"

"How do you know?" The old man opened his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man in surprise.

The middle-aged man sneered and said: "I happen to know it. After all, this guy's reputation is already well-known in Nanguang Province, and everyone knows his deeds!"

The old man suddenly understood and laughed and cursed: "You bastard, it turns out you were talking nonsense behind my back. No wonder I dreamed of him after I fell asleep last night! However, although he is a bastard, he still has some ability, which is quite admirable. This time he is lucky!"

He sighed, "If I hadn't given that thing to him in the first place, that kind of disaster probably wouldn't have happened. Alas, it was my fault after all!"

The middle-aged man nodded in agreement: "Sir, you are right!"

The old man said: "That's all, since I have given him the things, I have no regrets."

"Sir, let me deal with Wang Desheng's side first." The middle-aged man hesitated and reminded, "Sir, don't forget Wang Desheng's revenge!"

The old man waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I have not forgotten (aiec) his hatred. If he dares to touch my people, he must pay the price! However, this matter cannot be rushed. I will deal with him after I have settled the matter." Not too late!"

The middle-aged man nodded and said nothing more.

After a moment, he suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, the news just came back that there will be an elixir being auctioned at tonight's auction!"

"Oh? What kind of elixir is it?" The old man became interested and sat up and asked.

He is a Martial Artist at the peak level of Transcendent. Although he has become Transcendent, he still longs for powerful power, and elixirs are what he needs for his cultivation, and he is also quite enthusiastic about elixirs.

The middle-aged man said: "It is said that it is a 'Breaking Realm Pill'! After taking it, ordinary people can enter the Transcendent Realm, but it can only be used five times. Once it exceeds the limit, it will explode and die!"

The old man looked a little regretful, "Oh, this kind of elixir is hard to come by. If you miss it this time, I may not be able to encounter this kind of elixir again for decades!"

"It's a pity indeed." The middle-aged man nodded.

"However, there will be many masters gathered in this auction, and there may be a chance for someone to break through to the Transcendent Realm! When the time comes, it will be enough for me to snatch some Realm Breaking Pills!" the old man snorted coldly.

The middle-aged man nodded in agreement.

Night falls, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

A black car slowly drove into a luxury area in the capital.

This mansion area covers a very large area. Inside, there are pavilions, pavilions, carved railings and painted buildings, and various buildings are built like palaces.

This is the living area of ​​the first family, one of the four major families in the capital.

The car stopped at the gate of a manor.

"Hello, Master!"

The guard standing guard at the door immediately saluted respectfully when he saw the middle-aged man, and then looked at the driver behind the middle-aged man in confusion.

"You guys go to rest first!" the middle-aged man said.

The two bodyguards immediately ran towards the villa.

The middle-aged man took Lin Chen out of the car and knocked on the door of the villa.

Soon, the door was opened, and it was a cute little girl about six or seven years old with pink makeup.

The little girl was wearing a pink princess dress and braided hair, and she looked incredibly beautiful. .

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