1193 Low Grade Spiritual Stone

It is roughly equivalent to the speed at which Martial Apprentice Martial Artist absorbs spiritual energy.

The Middle Grade spiritual stone is three times the Low Grade spiritual stone, which is equivalent to the speed of the Martial Artist in the Martial Warrior realm.

Ye Feng currently has a few Middle Grade spirit stones in his storage bag, but they are all legacies left by his parents and cannot be easily touched.

Now that he can't even secure the Innate Fourth Layer cultivation level, how can he have enough food left to purchase Low Grade spiritual stones?

Unless he advances to Innate Fifth Layer.

Ye Feng shook his head, clasped his fists and declined: "I'm sorry, Shopkeeper Zhao, this "Thunder Body Tempering Technique" is too expensive. I can't afford so much money at the moment, so I'll say goodbye.

Uncle Zhao looked disappointed and smiled bitterly, "Sir, wait a moment, I have another Body Refining technique here, called 'Tiger Roar Shakes the Mountain'. It's more powerful than the Thunder Body Tempering technique, and the price is only Twenty thousand spiritual stones.”

"Oh?" Ye Feng's eyes lit up.

He is short of money now, so the Body Refining technique of Tiger Roar and Shake the Mountain is quite tempting to him.

"However, this skill is an inferior skill and must be practiced at Innate Fifth Layer or above." Uncle Zhao added.

Ye Feng agreed without hesitation. Anyway, he would be able to reach Innate Fifth Layer sooner or later. This might be able to make up for his shortcomings and become part of his strength.

"Uncle Zhao, then bring it to me quickly!" Ye Feng urged.

"Hey, that's good."

Uncle Zhao turned around and returned to the house. After a while, he took out a pamphlet and handed it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked through it and felt that it contained a strong and violent power, and couldn't help but nodded.

"The price of this Tiger's Roar Shaking Mountain Strength is only twenty thousand spirit stones, and that's the original price. This technique is the Supreme Grade among inferior techniques." Uncle Zhao said with a smile.

Ye Feng was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that the price of Tiger Roar Zhenshan Jin would not be less than ten Low Grade spiritual stones.

The power of this inferior skill is actually more powerful than the Thunder Body Tempering Technique?

Ye Feng read the technique carefully. The more he read, the more he liked it, and he quickly paid.

In the next few days, Ye Feng wandered around Yunzhou City, purchasing various materials and elixirs, and also bought a map, preparing to return to his hometown after worshiping his ancestors during the Qingming Festival next year.

Three days passed before I knew it.

On this day, Ye Feng was walking in the bustling streets and was about to return to the weapons shop when he was distracted by a burst of noise.

"You guys are a bunch of losers, what a bunch of losers. So many people besieged an Innate Third Layer Martial Artist, but you couldn't even kill him and let him escape?"

A voice of anger sounded.

Ye Feng looked over at the sound and saw two groups of people fighting around a young man. One of the groups was wearing red clothes with the words "Blood Sword Society" embroidered on their chests. The leader was a strong man.

At this moment, everyone in the Blood Knife Club took action while kicking and hitting the young man, forcing him to retreat steadily.

"You bloody swordsmen go too far!" The young man blocked the kick with his arms and roared angrily.

"Hahaha, you losers are the ones being bullied! If you dare to go against my Blood Knife Club, you are seeking death. Brothers, teach this kid a lesson!"

The leading strong man shouted loudly and slashed at the young man with his long knife.

The young man resisted vigorously, but the Blood Knife Club was outnumbered and quickly fell into a disadvantage. .

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