1187 Jade Talisman

However, the young man's face turned cold. He stared at the man carrying the sword and said with a ferocious expression: "You actually hurt me? You deserve death."


The next moment, he raised his palm and the jade formation flew out of the air.

"not good."

Seeing the jade talisman, the man carrying the sword changed his expression.


Between the sparks of calcium carbide, a loud noise came out, followed by a destructive ripple sweeping out.

The man carrying the sword was thrown away along with the boat.

He spurted out a mouthful of blood and looked pale.


At this moment, a slight trembling sound reached the ears of the man carrying the sword. He looked up and saw the jade talisman floating in front of the young man, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

But at this time, a large number of golden-armored troops emerged from the city wall. They were all fearless and fearless, armed with sharp swords and guns, and came out to kill.

But at this moment, a majestic figure appeared above the palace, and it was an old man.

"Young Master, run away quickly."

"not good!"

At this time, those demigods finally woke up and shouted, calling for rescue.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty demigods were trapped in a tight siege, making it difficult to break through the defenses, let alone kill the young man.

"Lord Wang."

The man carrying the sword saluted respectfully. He was Wang Tian, ​​the chief steward of the Wang family.

In an instant, more than twenty powerful demigods took action.

Immediately, countless soldiers wearing armor, with powerful auras, and holding weapons rushed out of the city.

"Ah husband!"

Suddenly, the spiritual energy from the surrounding heaven and earth swarmed in and poured into the jade talisman. The jade talisman expanded rapidly, forming a huge thing, hundreds of feet long, which was a city.

"The bold little thief dares to come to my palace and run wild. He is really looking for death." "Wang Tian's face turned cold, he pushed his right palm horizontally, and a palm print rolled down like a mountain, shrouding the man carrying the sword in it.

When the man with the sword saw this scene, his expression changed drastically.

At this time, the man with the sword took the opportunity to rush into the city and headed towards the palace.


Battle flags were floating in the air, fluttering in the wind, and a chilling air swept out.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried, wolves howled, and shouts of killing resounded throughout the wilderness.

"kill him."

An iron cavalry gallops, crushing the void.

At this moment, several more figures flashed in, each of them had the peak strength of the Nine-Star Demigod. When they saw the young man carrying the sword (Zhao Zhao), their expressions changed greatly, because this young man was the direct descendant of the Wang family. Lord, Wang Mingyang.

At the same time, the young man stepped out and landed on the wall of the huge city. His eyes swept over the man carrying the sword and others, and Jie Jie smiled strangely: "Just stay here and be my slave." After that, he turned around and entered the city.

"If you want to run away, stay with me."


"Swish, swish, swish!"

Screams were heard, and the man carrying the sword was directly blasted away.

"Brother." The young man carrying the sword was shocked and rushed over.

Wang Mingyang showed a ruthless expression, kicked off his legs, turned into a streak of light and chased after him. He punched out with a huge amount of power, instantly defeating the five demigods.



"Clang clang clang clang!"

"Brother, are you okay?" the sword-carrying young man asked. .

"Bang bang bang!"


The man with the sword shouted sharply.

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