1180 Heavenly Treasure Pavilion

I will personally supervise Chen Hui during this period. I believe that the relationship between you and him will be enough to help him establish a firm foothold in Wan Sword Pavilion. If he encounters trouble, you can also go directly to this president. After a pause, he continued, 'As for Li Wenzhong, I will deal with him personally, but we need to plan carefully and not act rashly.

"President Zhang, don't worry. The two of us will definitely not ruin President Zhang's important affairs." Wang Hao and Wang Hao said in unison.

"Yes." Zhang Qingquan nodded vaguely and said to Chen Hui, 'Little friend Chen Hui, are you willing to join the sect of my president and become my direct disciple?'

"Ah, I want to join your family?" Chen Hui was surprised when he heard this.

"Why? Don't want to?" Zhang Qingquan said.

"No, no, no, senior Zhang misunderstood, Wan is just a little surprised." Chen Hui said hurriedly.

"Haha, you don't have to worry, this president really wants to accept you as his disciple." Zhang Qingquan laughed.

"Thank you, Senior Zhang, for your kindness." Chen Hui said excitedly, "I promise you." "

"Okay." Zhang Qingquan nodded happily, patted Chen Hui on the shoulder and said, "From now on, you will be the sixth disciple of our president." ’ After saying that, he pointed to Li Wenzhong and said, ‘This man is Li Wenzhong, the right-hand man of my president. If you follow him, you can learn a lot. As for the other few people, they are all my confidants. Although their strength is not as good as the president’s. Some are stronger, but they are also extraordinary. They all have mid-level and peak strength in Tongtian Realm. You have to be careful in the future, because Wan Sword Pavilion will not give up.

"Yes." Chen Hui said solemnly.

"This is my president's identity token. Take it." Zhang Qingquan handed Chen Hui a black token.

"Yes." Chen Hui took it with both hands.

"Okay, let's go to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion now and replace everything in these two space rings to avoid getting into trouble." Zhang Qingquan said.

Chen Hui and the other three had no objections.

Soon, Chen Hui and the other two came to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

"Welcome Senior Zhang."

The person in charge of greeting guests in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion was a young man. He had a handsome face and was as rich as jade. He was wearing a green robe with a jade belt hanging around his waist. His eyes were as bright as stars. He held his hands and said, "I am the young master of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, Ouyang." Xuan, I don’t know that the old man came to my humble residence, but I am not welcomed from afar. I hope you can forgive me...

"I came here to redeem a batch of Spirit Medicine." Zhang Qingquan said.

"Okay, please come this way." Ouyang Xuan said.

"Senior Zhang, where is this Chen Hui Fellow Daoist?" Ouyang Xuan suddenly spotted Chen Hui.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce him. He is little friend Chen Hui. He is here with us this time." Zhang Qingquan said.

"Oh, it turns out he is Senior Zhang's new disciple." Ouyang Xuan said respectfully.

"Yes, little friend Chen Hui is the only disciple accepted by our president in Cangqiong State." Zhang Qingquan nodded and said.


As soon as these words came out, a look of shock appeared on Ouyang Xuan's face. 1.1 He never thought that Chen Hui would be chosen by Zhang Qingquan and would be accepted as a closed disciple.

"Ouyang Xuan, what's wrong with you?" Li Yuntian asked in surprise.

"Oh, it's nothing, let's go in." Ouyang Xuan came to his senses, covered up his shock, led Zhang Qingquan and the others into the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, told the clerk to prepare the spiritual stones, and then led the three people to the VIP room to drink tea. He also ordered the maid to bring tea and cakes. .

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