1176 generous rewards

"What a killer."

At this moment, a sigh was heard, and an old man in black robe appeared above the restaurant.

"Meet the Deputy Sect Leader!"

"Meet the deputy sect leader!"

Immediately, Li Yunhai and the old man named Zhang saluted hurriedly.

"You two are coming with me."

The old man in black robe nodded and walked out of the restaurant first.

Li Yunhai and the old man named Zhang looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

"Canglong City is indeed the largest city in Dongzhou!"

Outside the restaurant, Chen Hui07 looked at the wide street with complicated thoughts. On the one hand, he was eager to get more generous rewards, but on the other hand, he was worried because he was not sure whether he was safe in Canglong City, especially Li Yunhai. When the two said these words, Chen Hui had already faintly felt the danger.

The rules here are stricter than those in Southwest County.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At the same time, two more figures arrived.

They are a man and a woman.

The man was about twenty years old, with a handsome face, majestic appearance, and eyes as bright as the Galaxy. He exuded a transcendent temperament, like a king looking down on the world. The woman is slightly older, has delicate facial features, a graceful figure, exquisite bumps, fair skin, slender waist, and a pair of beautiful eyes that shine with the light of wisdom, as if she has seen through all aspects of life, which makes Kang Hui admire.

"What a beautiful couple."

Chen Hui secretly thought, he couldn't help but look at these two people, he was surprised, because they were both Semi-Saint, he couldn't help but surprised, it seemed that they had a good background.

"Are you the guy who made trouble on the street just now?" The man suddenly looked at Chen Hui and asked calmly, "Come with us now or die." "

"Who are you?" Chen Hui asked with a frown.

"Haha, my name is Yang Tianyu, and this is my sister Yang Yulian." Yang Tianyu said with a smile.

"Are you a descendant of the Yang family in Dongzhou?" Chen Hui was moved when he heard this, and a smile appeared on his face. He had heard of the Yang family for a long time. They were among the top three wealthy families in Dongzhou. They were powerful and had many families in Dongzhou. Huge power.

"Not bad." Yang Tianyu nodded with a smile and said, 'You must have just entered Dongzhou, right?'

"Yes." Chen Hui nodded and said, "I first entered Dongzhou. Please tell me your surname and your name. I will repay you in the future." ’

"It's just a little effort." Yang Tianyu waved his hand and said, "Okay, since we know each other, let's stop talking nonsense and come with us." ’ After that [he took Yang Yulian to the horse army not far away.

Seeing this, Chen Hui smiled helplessly.

After a moment, Chen Hui followed the two of them into a luxurious carriage.

"Brother Chen Hui, you are finally here, please save Sister Yue." There was a sound of sobbing from inside the carriage, and it was Ji Ting's voice.

"Xin'er, don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." Chen Hui said.

"Thank you, sir."

At this time, the national husband whipped up his whip and drove the carriage at full speed.

The road was smooth and the sound of horse hooves was deafening. Chen Hui sat cross-legged in the carriage and closed his eyes. Nurturing Spirit, he was recovering the true energy in his body.


But just as he was practicing with his eyes closed, the horse army suddenly began to jolt.

"what happened?"

Chen Hui opened his eyes and saw that the speed of the carriage increased sharply and shot out like a rocket. Chen Hui immediately explored the outside of the carriage and was shocked to find that a group of men in black blocked the path of himself and others.

Obviously, they are here for themselves and others. .

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